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PAGE 学校代码: 学 号: 学校代码: 学 号: 本科毕业论文 本科毕业论文 题 目: 题 目:我国农产品绿色物流运作模式的实践与问题研究 学生姓名: 学 院:国际工商学院 系 别:物流管理系 专 业:物流管理 班 级: 指导教师:副教授 二 〇 一 二 年 六 月 摘 要 绿色物流是物流业发展的重要方向之一。随着绿色物流理念向各产业链的持续渗透和深入发展,农产品物流业不可避免的走进这场绿色变革之中。在未来,我国农产品行业能否在新的市场形势下走出一条具有中国特色的发展道路,打破绿色贸易壁垒,关键在于政府能否加强对农产品物流基础设施的建设;建立符合世界发展潮流的绿色物流体系;实现现有农产品物流模式的转型并对其进行协调和管理。 本文通过阐述绿色物流的内涵、产生背景和发展现状及我国发展农产品绿色物流的意义,分析我国农产品绿色物流运作模式的实践情况和应用现状,同时与发达国家农产品绿色物流应用情况进行综合比较,发现我国农产品绿色物流运作模式所存在的问题。进而提出发展我国农产品绿色物流运作模式的对策及建议,以期对促进我国农产品物流步入健康、快速发展的新阶段,优化农产品物流发展方向,起到一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:农产品;绿色物流;模式;实践;可持续发展 Abstract Green logistics is one of the important directions of development of the logistics industry. With the continued infiltration and in-depth development of green logistics concept to the industrial chain, agricultural products logistics industry is inevitable walked into this green revolution. Our agricultural industry in the future, whether under the new market situation out of a development road with Chinese characteristics, to break the green trade barriers, the key is whether the Government can strengthen the construction of logistics infrastructure for agricultural products; the world development trend of green logistics system; the transformation of the existing agricultural logistics model and its coordination and management. This article described the connotation of green logistics, background and development status and the significance of Chinas development of green logistics of agricultural products, analysis of Chinas agricultural green logistics mode of operation of the practice and application status, and a comprehensive comparison with the green logistics application developed country agricultural, found the problems of Chinas agricultural green logistics operation mode. Then put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of our agricultural green logistics mode of operation, in order to promote Chinas agricultural product logistics into the



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