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PAGE 哈尔滨工业大学毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 温度和湿度历来是室内最主要的两个参数,是众多领域中需要检测的重要环境参数。不仅在工业、现代农业,还是在气象卫星、仓库保管等领域,对温度和湿度的测量都是随处可见的,尤其是人类赖以生存的环境。随着时代的发展科技的进步,人们对环境中的温度、湿度的认识越来越深,要求越来越高。一旦温度过高,稍微疏忽就会引发不同程度上的伤害甚至火灾,就会给国家和人民造成巨大的经济损失。因此对温度、湿度和火焰的测量与监控也是十分有意义的。 本文介绍采用nRF905射频模块、DS18B20构成的测温网络、湿度传感器HS1101组成一种无线全数字温湿度火焰监控系统,火焰检测的火源隐患,彻底摆脱了传统的人工抄录方法,能实时检测的温湿度,并根据所测的数据控制空调器、除湿机等外部设备的运行,确保合适的温湿度环境,该设计具有简单可靠和灵活方便的特点。 关键字 无线传输 温度 湿度 火焰 Abstract Temperature and humidity is always the main indoor two parameters, is in many areas need to detect important environmental parameter.Not only in the industry, modern agriculture, or in the meteorological satellite, the warehouse.On the field, temperature and humidity measurements are everywhere, especially in the survival of the human environment.With the development of the times and the progress of technology, people on the environment temperature, humidity understanding more and more deep, increasingly high demand.Once the temperature is too high, a little carelessness will lead to different degree injury or fire, would give the country and the people causing huge economic losses.The temperature, humidity and flame measurement and monitoring is tenMeaningful. This article describes the use of nRF905 RF module, DS18B20 network consisting of temperature, humidity sensor composed of a grain storage HS1101 wireless digital temperature and humidity control system, fire detection granary of fire hazards, broken free from the traditional manual transcription methods, real-time Detection of temperature and humidity in the barn, and according to the measured data control air conditioners, dehumidifiers and other external devices, to ensure that the appropriate temperature and humidity within the barn environment, the design is simple, reliable and flexible features. Keywords wireless transmission temperature humidity fire 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc280733112 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc280733112 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc280733113 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc28



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