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携程网顾客满意度调查报告 闫晓圆 摘 要:随着人们收入水平和生活方式的改变,越来越多的人选择旅游作为休闲娱乐的方式。 电子商务本身具有的沟通便捷和低成本的特性,使其与旅游产生了很好的契合点,旅游电子 商务网站应运而生。旅游网站数量众多,竞争激烈,旅游电子商务顾客满意度已经成为决定 网站生存和发展的重要方式。本文在研究了大量文献的基础上,选取携程旅行网作为研究的 对象,将顾客对网站的满意度分为6 个要素,分别为体验、服务、安全、质量、成本、形象, 通过对各个要素进行指标细分,将调查问卷得到的数据进行整理分析,得出现今顾客对携程 网的期望价值和实际感受价值,并进行对比分析,了解顾客最期待网站优化的方面,为旅游 网站提供更优质化的服务和信息给予建议。 关键词:携程网;顾客满意度;顾客期望值;顾客感受价值 Abstract : With the change of people's income levels and lifestyle ,more and more people choose to travel as a way of entertainment. The electronic commerce itself has the features of convenient communication and low cost,make it and tourism produced a good fit point.in this context, tourism e-commerce came into being. The number of tourist sites is numerous, and the competition is fierce, so the tourism e-commerce customer satisfaction has become an important way to determine the survival and development of the website. The dissertation bases on the considerable study of literatures and selects Ctrip as the object of research, which divide the customer satisfaction of the website into six elements, experience, service, quality, safety, cost and image. Through the study of subdivision of each element, the dissertation summarizes and analyzes the data which is obtained by doing questionnaire survey. It aims at figuring out users’ expected value and actual perceived value for the Ctrip. Besides, by comparative analysis the dissertation focuses on acquiring which aspects users are further looking forward to optimizing and putting forward suggestions on service and information of tourism website. Keywords :Ctrip ;Customer Satisfaction ;Users’ Expected Value ;Users’ Perceived Value 一、引言 随着互联网技术的高速发展,人们生活质量要求的提高,电子商务已经渗透到生活中的 方方面面。人们对旅游的关注度逐渐增加,旅游电子商务网站应运而生。我国人口基数大, 互联网网民逐年增多。艾瑞监测数据显示,2015 年中国在线旅游市场交易


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