2017年冀教版九年级英语UNIT 3 Safety 教案.docx

2017年冀教版九年级英语UNIT 3 Safety 教案.docx

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2017年冀教版九年级英语UNIT 3 Safety 教案.docx

第一课时 Lesson 13 Be Careful,Danny!  1.记忆单词safety,careful,decorate,hang,ceiling,lie,serious,ambulance,necessary;短语jump up,take sb. to…,be careful。  2.掌握重点句型:①I’m going to hang it from the ceiling over the desk.②He jumps up.③I tried to catch you,but you landed on top of me.④Isn’t it beautiful?⑤I don’t think my arm is broken.⑥Tell her we are taking Brian to the hospital.  3.掌握否定转移和否定疑问句。  4.通过本课学习,让学生了解发生在教室里的一次事故,让学生学会保护好自己。  5.能够读懂有关安全话题的文章,并能从中获取有效信息。  1.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:safety,careful,decorate,ceiling,lie,serious,ambulance,necessary,jump up,take sb. to…,be careful。  2.能够读懂有关安全话题的文章,并能从中获取有效信息。  3.能够运用下列句型:①I’m going to hang it from the ceiling over the desk.②He jumps up.③I tried to catch you,but you landed on top of me.④Isn’t it beautiful?⑤I don’t think my arm is broken.⑥Tell her we are taking Brian to the hospital.  4.能够听懂祈使句。  1.能够正确应用本课的重点词汇safety,careful,decorate,hang,ceiling,lie,serious,ambulance,necessary;掌握重点短语jump up,take sb. to…,be careful。  2.掌握祈使句的用法。  思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第三单元的第13课,主要以“丹尼,小心!”为题,利用多媒体展示“事故”的图片导入新课,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过设置有关文章大意的问题,培养学生快速阅读的能力;并设置些简单的问题,增强学生的自信心。  思路二:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第三单元的第13课,主要以“丹尼,小心!”为题,通过师生互动,讨论Think About It中的问题来导入新课,锻炼学生的口语交际能力。通过小组合作探究,找出本课的重点短语及重点句型,共同解决疑难,使学生得到成功的喜悦和满足感。  教师在课前设计教学PPT,准备录音机和磁带,多媒体等。 StepⅠ.Lead in  Leading in 【情景1】  T:Hello,boys and girls.Today we are going to learn Lesson 13.Please look at the pictures.What happened?(show students the following pictures.)  Tell students there are too many accidents every year and we should know how to protect ourselves.Ask students the following questions:  (1)What are the reasons for the accidents?  (2)Did any accident happen in your classroom?How did it happen?  【Keys】 (1)Because many people are so careless that they don’t know the danger is around them.Sometimes people don’t obey the law.They dare to do anything they want to do. (2)The answer is open.  T:OK.Let’s look at Lesson 13.Let’s see what happened to Danny and Brian.Ready?Go!  [设计意图] 通过多媒体展示直接导入与本课有关的话题,



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