2017年冀教版九年级英语UNIT 2 great pepole 教案.docx

2017年冀教版九年级英语UNIT 2 great pepole 教案.docx

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2017年冀教版九年级英语UNIT 2 great pepole 教案.docx

第一课时 Lesson 7 What Is the Meaning of Life?  1.记忆单词meaning,dialogue,successful,missing,survey,neighbour;短语deep in thought,succeed in,write down。  2.掌握重点句型:①Li Ming sits in the classroom,deep in thought.②I’m not sure how to answer them,but I think we should try our best to live a good and happy life.③What’s the meaning of life?④Why are great people so successful?  3.能够听懂探讨生命意义的文章,并从中获取有效信息。  4.能用所学词汇和重点句型与他人进行交流。  1.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:meaning,dialogue,successful,missing,survey,neighbour,deep in thought,succeed in,write down,think about,the meaning of,for example,try one’s best(to do sth.),be good to等。  2.能够听懂探讨生命意义的文章,并从中获取有效信息。  3.能够正确运用下列句型:①Li Ming sits in the classroom,deep in thought.②I’m not sure how to answer them,but I think we should try our best to live a good and happy life.③What’s the meaning of life?④Why are great people so successful?  1.能够正确应用本课的重点词汇:meaning,dialogue,successful,missing,survey,neighbour;掌握重点短语:deep in thought,succeed in,write down,think about,the meaning of,for example,try one’s best(to do sth.),be good to…。  2.掌握本课所学短语和重点句型的实际运用。  思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第二单元的第七课,主要围绕“生命的意义”,通过与学生对话交流渲染课堂气氛,导入新课。然后利用图片,导入词汇、短语、句型的学习。通过小组合作的形式,运用本节课所学的句型,讨论生命的意义。理解课文内容,最终达到语言综合运用能力。  思路二:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第二单元的第七课,主要围绕“生命的意义”,采用复习导入的方式。复习第一单元的主题,引出第二单元,从而引出本课的主题“the meaning of life”,通过小组合作形式,运用本节课所学的句型,讨论生命的意义。理解课文内容,最终达到语言综合运用能力。  教师在课前设计教学PPT,准备录音机和磁带,多媒体等。 StepⅠ.Lead in  Leading in 【情景1】  T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Do you know any people who are successful?Why do you think so?  Ss:Yes!  S1:I think Mo Yan is very successful because we all like his books.  S2:I think my father is successful because he loves his job and he does well in it.  S3:I think my aunt is successful because she lives a happy and healthy life.She enjoys her work and she is good at it.  T:Good answers.Did the people who you think are successful follow their dreams?  Ss:Yes,they did./No,they didn’t.  T:What are your dreams for the future?  S1:I want to be an English teacher.  S2:I want t



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