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罗氏诊断 (中国)公司营销渠道策略改进研究 摘 要 在全球体外诊断市场蓬勃发展的大环境下,罗氏诊断无疑的非常成 功的诊断公司,牢牢占据着行业的领导地位。至1998 年进入中国市 场,短短的十多年的时间取得了辉煌的成绩。但随着市场的竞争越来越 激烈,公司对自身也提出了更高的要求,现在面临的问题是现有的营销 渠道与销售策略已经达不到公司高速发展的要求。 本文主要着眼于公司外部及内部环境,分别对体外诊断试剂市场行 业分析,对公司内部营销渠道体系的问题诊断,并制定出相应改进策略 以及公司提供的实施保障等几个模块来阐述及分析问题。 最后得出的结论是:首先,公司要结合自身未来的发展规划来调整 营销渠道,增加直销模式,拓展新渠道和市场,寻找新的增长点,根据 各区域特点制定细分任务;其次要通过经销商调研了解公司在服务与支 持方面哪些需要提高,通过历年销售数据,各品类产品的销售情况,市 场占有率及拓展等情况及时找出经销商存在的问题并及时调整,以达到 双赢的格局;最后论述公司各内部职能部门对整个营销渠道的改进和实 施做起到的重要保障作用。 关键词:诊断试剂,营销渠道,经销商,直销 万方数据 THE IMPROVEMENT ON CHANNEL STRATEGY OF ROCHE DIAGNOSTCS ( CHINA) COMPANY ABSTRACT With the rapid development of global in vitro diagnostic market , Roche Diagnostics is a very successful diagnostic company, which firmly occupy the leading position in the field. Roche Diagnostics (China) was founded in 1998 and has made brilliant achievements with short 10 years. But with the increasingly intense competition in the market, the company is also put forward higher requirements on their own, and now are faced with the problem of marketing channel and the sales strategy of existing can not meet the requirements of high-speed development company. This thesis mainly focuses on the external and internal environment of the company, respectively, analysis of in vitro diagnostic reagent market industry, problem diagnosis on internal marketing channel system, and formulate the corresponding improvement strategy and the company provides guarantee the implementation of several modules to the description and analysis of the problem. 万方数据 The final conclusion is: first, the company should combine their own future development plan to adjust the marketing channel, increa


明若晓溪 + 关注


