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优秀毕业论文(设计) 剖析霍桑《红字》中红字 A 所暗含的象征意义 Hawthorne’s employment of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter 摘要 《红字》一书使美国作家霍桑誉满全球。该书采用的主要艺术写作手法是象征主义, 象征主义不仅贯穿了小说的始终,同时也为其增添了经久不衰的魅力。本文拟从红字“A” 、 人物及场景这三个方面来重点剖析霍桑《红字》所暗含的象征意义。本文先阐述红色的象 征意义及红字“A”的多重含义。然后着重分析场景的象征意义,例如绞刑台、监狱、野 蔷薇丛、阳光、小溪、森林等场景的象征意义。最后探讨小说中人物的象征意义,并深入 研究霍桑象征意义创作的技巧。霍桑对文学的影响远远地超越了他所处的时代。《红字》 这部意义深远的巨作,是十九世纪浪漫主义文学的优秀代表。对人类挣扎的灵魂的刻画使 霍桑成为世界文学史上的杰出人物。 关键词:霍桑;《红字》;象征;象征主义 Abstract The Scarlet Letter makes American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne known all over the world. The main artistic writing skill in this novel is symbolism, which not only runs through the whole novel, but also adds long-lasting charms to the book. This thesis attempts to expound Hawthorne’s employment of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter through the analysis of the scarlet letter “A”, the characters and the settings. It first explores the symbolism of the color red and the multi-layered meanings of the capital letter “A”. Then it concentrates on symbolic meanings of the settings, such as the scaffold, the prison, the wild rosebushes, the sunshine, the brook and the forest. Finally, it analyzes the symbolic meanings of the characters and further explores Hawthorne’s techniques—symbolism. Hawthorne’s influence on literature is far beyond his time, The Scarlet Letter is an excellent representative work of romantic literature of the 19th century, a masterpiece of profound and long-lasting significance. His portrayals of the struggle of human soul have made him an outstanding figure in the history of world literature. Key words: Hawthorne; The Scarlet Letter; symbol; symbolism Table of Contents Acknowledgements I 摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 错误!未找到引用源。 Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………..错 误!未找到引用源。 Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………...错 误!未找到引用源。 Introduction… 1 Chapter One The Symbolic Significance of Colors and the Capital Letter “A”… 3 The Colors… 3 The Capital Letter “A”: the Spirit of the Novel… 3 “A” for “Aged”, “Ancient” and “


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