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郭志文 2001 Copyright * 管理资源吧(),提供海量管理资料免费下载! * 管理资源吧(),提供海量管理资料免费下载! CHAPTER 5 Basic Organization Design 2. Chain of command Early management writers said that an employee should only have one boss/superior to whom he/she is responsible 3. Span of control How many employees can a manager efficiently and effectively direct? Early writers favored small spans of control (usually no more than six workers) Contingency variable: span of control depends on the level of management 4. Authority and responsibility Authority: the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect them to be obeyed Responsibility: an obligation to perform assigned activities Types of authority: Line authority – entitles a manager to direct the work of an employee Staff authority – positions that support, assist, and advise the holders of authority … authority and power Types of power Coercive power: power based on fear Reward power: based on ability to distribute something others value Legitimate power: based on one’s position in formal hierarchy Expert power: based on one’s expertise, special skills, or knowledge Referent power: based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits 5. Centralization v.s decentralization Centralization: when decision-making authority is kept at a higher level in the organization Decentralization: when decision-making authority is pushed down to the lowest levels of an organization 6. Departmentalization Early writers said that activities in organization should be specialized and grouped into departments But how? Functional departmentalization: the grouping of activities by the functions they perform Product departmentalization:grouping of activities by product produced Customer departmentalization: grouping of activities by common customers Geographic departmentalization: grouping of activities by territory Process departmentalization: grouping of activities by work or customer flow Contingency variables affect


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