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浅谈会计电算化发展中的问题及对策 [主商要]随着社会经济日益发达、科学技术不断进步的今天,电子计算机的普及 和应用已经成为信息社会每个人应具备的一种最基本的生存能力。同吋它也成为 各行各业不可或缺的得力助手,演绎着一个不同的角色。与此同时,很多企业 己经认识到了会计电算化的重要性,会计电算化己经是当前会计工作的主要工 具,因为它可以提高工作效率,是通过计算机技术代替手工记账的基本方式,他 不仅推动了各个企业的财务管理手段的现代化,同时还加强了以财务为中心的企 业 管理,促进了企业管理的各个工作,可以说,我国的会计电算化事业取得了可喜 可贺的成绩,但是,目前由于受到很多因素的影响,在会计电算化系统的发展中 还存在一些问题制约着会计电算化事业的发展,因而,本文对其在发展中存在的 为题做出了分析,同时也提出了一些解决问题的对策。 [关键词]会计电算化问题对策 Discussion on problems and countermeasures in the development of accounting computerization [Abstract]Along with the social economy more developed, the progress of science and technology today, the popularization and application of the electronic computer has become one of the most basic survival skills every man should possess in the information society. At the same time, it also become the indispensable right-hand man, play a different role. At the same time, many enterprises have realized the importance of the accounting computerization, the accounting computerization is the main tool for accounting work, because it can improve the work efficiency, is the basic way through computer technology instead of manual accounting,he not only promoting the enterprises financial management modernization, but also to strengthen the enterprise in the financial management as the center, promote each work of enterprise management can be said that China’s computerized accounting has made gratifying achievements, but, at present as a result of many factors, there are still some problems restricting the development of the cause of accounting computerization, and therefore in the development of accounting computerization system, this paper made analysis on the problems existed in the development of the title, but also put forward some countermeasures to solve the problem. [Key words]Accounting computerizationproblem countermeasures 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 引言 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document \h 一、 我国会计电算化产生背景及发展进程 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h (一) 我国会计电算化产生的背景 1 HYPERLINK \l boo


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