定稿1Unit 5 Topic 2 Section C .pptVIP

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定稿1Unit 5 Topic 2 Section C

What Are You Doing? Guess and answer What is she doing? ? She is dancing. What is he doing? Guess He is reading the newspaper. ? Guess What are they doing? ? They are playing basketball. What are they doing now? They are playing football. They are having a soccer game. ? Guess 游戏,运动 ? What are they doing ? . Guess 围绕着···跑步 They are running around the playground (1a 2b) 七年级英语下册(仁爱版) 龚店乡初级中学 田小燕 中学一级教师 1.学习单词和短语: game, lesson, blackboard, ping-pong,at the back of, have a soccer game , run around 2.能熟练并正确地将“现在进行时”运用于各种人称的 否定句、特殊疑问句、一般疑问句并进行肯定和否定 回答。 3.能够在谈论校园中正在进行的丰富多彩的活动中, 发现校园生活的的乐趣,从而培养热爱校园生活、 乐于参加学校生活中各种活动的意识。 Miss wang is showing studends around the school show around 带领···参观 (On the playground) A few students _________around the playground. Some students _________ a soccer game. Some students _______ basketball. Look! Many students ________ there and _______. Read paragraph 1 loudly and then fill in the blanks. 1'' are running are having are playing are sitting watching 插入新教材P13 1a 图 2 1. Is Helen dancing? 2. What is Helen doing? Read paragraph 2 and answer the following questions. 1'' Helen Ann No,she isn't. She is playing ping-pong with Ann. Activity 2 They aren’t having lessons. watch the video and learn what the students are doing in the class Kangkang is reading English newspapers. Michael is doing his homework. Wang Wei is writing a letter. Jane and Maria are talking. Sally is cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom. Kangkang Michael Sally Wang Wei Jane Maria Activity 3 read paragraph 3 and describe what the students are doing with your partner . let's draw A: What is he /she doing? B: He/She is ~~~ Activity 4


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