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Unit 1 Higher Education New Words: Band together: unite in order to achieve sth. eg: Band-Aid Chapel: a small church Church and chapel Pic of chapel air force academy, chapel Colorado. cambridge-university-kings-college-chapel kings-college-chapel-cambridge chapel Know Cambridge(see Video) Unit one Task 1 My coming to Cambridge has been an _________experience. From ___________country one comes as a student one cannot ______the influence of the Cambridge ____________--and they go back so far! Here, perhaps, more than anywhere else, I have felt at one and the same time the past, the __________and even the future. It’s easy to see in the old ______stone buildings how the past __________the present and how the present is giving ________to the future. So let me tell you a little of what this university town looks like and how it came to be ________at all. unusual whatever escape traditions- present grey moulded shape here B. fill in the following chart A Chronicle of Cambridge’s Early Years Years Events 1209 1284 1440 1209 Several hundred students and scholars arrived in Cambridge from Oxford Peterhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded. King Henry Ⅵ founded King’s College. C. 1) 2) 3) Students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance. When people went anywhere on a visit, the pretty English girls all kissed them. Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, and Newton (or Wordsworth, Byron, Tennyson, etc.) Task 2 B. Answer the following questions. 1) What do students at Cambridge usually wear? How can you distinguish a graduate from an undergraduate there? Key: 2) What does Petro say about the women students at Cambridge? Key: They usually wear black gowns. Long gowns that hang down to the feet are for graduates, and shorter ones for undergraduates. Women students do not play a very active part in university life at Cambridge, but they work harder than men. C. 1) 2) meadows, green, peaceful, bending i


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