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Reflection: How do you get along with your father? Draw a rough line chart to illustrate it Give a speech about your father 《你还在我身旁》 瀑布的水逆流而上, 蒲公英种子从远处飘回,聚成伞的模样, 太阳从西边升起,落向东方。 子弹退回枪膛, 运动员回到起跑线上, 我交回录取通知书,忘了十年寒窗。 厨房里飘来饭菜的香, 你把我的卷子签好名字, 关掉电视,帮我把书包背上。 你还在我身旁。 You were by my side If the waterfall could go against the stream If the white seeds of dandelion flew back from the distance and formed an umbrella again If the sun rose in the west and set in the east If the bullet spread back into the gun If the sportsman backed to the starting line If I handed back the letter of admission and ignored 10 years’ cold window Then I could still smell the drifting fragrance from the kitchen I could still see you sign my papers, turn off the TV and helped me with my schoolbag I could still have you by my side. homework Write an article to illustrate the relationship between you and your father. (about 500 words) As is shown in the picture, a large crowd of people are crossing the road regardless of red lights, which prevents the vehicles from moving forward even at the sight of green lights. As can be seen in the cartoon, the young couple educate their child in different ways. Father educates their child with a ruler but Mother with a bar of chocolate. What is illustrated in the picture is that Father is too hard on their child while Mother spoils him They adopt strikingly inconsistent methods, which makes their child confused. In the cartoon, we can see a man talking to a paper bird kept in his cage and beside him is a vast desert dotted with endless tree roots. Obviously, birds have lost their homes as people have cut down all the trees. As a result, humans have lost their animal friends. If only I could keep a real bird! In the picture above, Mother Earth is crying sadly. Her face is bathed in tears which are dropping constantly不断的. Beneath之下 her, many people are standing in a line, holding basins盆 in their hands. 在大年初一,一位环卫女工第三次换被雪水浸湿的袜子。 一位环卫女工坐在商店橱窗前借光夜读。 On t



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