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中考英语常见 1. break相关短语 break down出 My car broke down on the way home. 在回家的路上,我的车出故障了。 break out爆发? ???昨晚发生了火灾。 break into 闯入,破门而入 Someone broke into the room and stole a lot of things. 有人闯进了这个房间,偷了很多东西。 break up 打碎,分手 Break up the chocolate and melt it. 把巧克力打碎然后融化。 They broke up. 他们分手了。 2. call相关短语 call up打电话???? ??? ’t call me up at night. 不要在晚上给我打电话。 call out大喊 ’s office last week. 上周他们去拜访了布朗先生的办公室。 call for 要求 This job calls for great patience. 这份工作要求足够的耐心。 call off 取消 They have to call off the flight because of the fog. 由于大雾,他们不得不取消本次航班。 3. come相关短语 come down下跌,落,降,传下来??? come in进来?? Come in, please. 请进! come out出版, A lot of flowers come out when spring comes. 当春天到来的时候,许多花都开了。 My father’s novel came out last month. 我爸爸的小说上个月出版了。 come on快点?? Come on, my boy! I will give you something delicious to eat. 过来!我的孩子,我要给你一些好吃的东西。 ? come along一道来,赶快 come over走过来??? We often come over to our friends when we go out for a walk. 我们经常在散步的时候顺便拜访朋友。 come up走近????? come back回来? ?? come from来自 Who has come up with this good idea? 是谁想出这个好办法的?The boy came to himself after the doctor’s hard work. come true 实现 The Chinese hundred years’ dream of hosting the Olympic has come true at last. 中国人民百年奥运梦想最后终于实现了。 4. cut相关短语 cut down砍倒 cut up切碎 She cut up the carrots and put them in the pot. 5. die相关短语 die of死于(原因疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感) die from死于(外界原因)?? ?? die out绝种 fall相关短语 fall behind落后? You will fall behind if you miss a lot of lessons. 如果你落下许多功课的话,你就会落在你的同班同学的后面。 fall down掉下,跌倒 The baby falls down when she runs to her mother. 这个婴儿朝妈妈跑去时跌倒了。 fall into 落入陷入 fall off 从...掉下 My brother falls off a big tree. 我的弟弟从一棵大树上掉下来。 We all fell asleep quickly after working for a long time. 工作了很长一段时间后我们很快就入睡了go相关短语 go along沿着....走 go through通过 The train has to go through many tunnels. 这趟火车要过很多隧道。 He is going through today’s newspaper. 他正在浏览今天的报纸。 go over复习,检查????? You must go over all your lesson before the exam. 考试前你一定要把所有的功课复习一遍。????????????? go up上涨 go against违反?? ’t go against the school rules. 学生不能违反校规。 go on


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