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HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 哈尔滨师范大学学位论文授权使用声明 .................................................................... 38 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 致 谢 .......................................................................................................................... 39 II 摘 要 我们的生活是多姿多彩的、世间万物是色彩缤纷的,而在木刻版画世界里它 却可以只用简洁的黑白提炼概括出世界的精彩。黑白木刻版画不为色彩所迷惑, 它以独特的黑白观察视角去分析概括斑斓的世界,把黑白木刻版画是对大千世界 里五彩缤纷的自然物象和人文形象的概括与总结,它只运用黑白两种色彩进行描 绘,既表示明度又表示其自身的色彩感。黑白形态的不同也同时传达了艺术家的 情感世界,原本无色彩可言的黑白变成有色彩,是艺术家赋予了它们无穷的创造 力和永恒的生命力,是永远不会过时的色彩也是最精美的色彩。 哲学上讲黑白是最精美的色彩,老子云:“五色令人目盲。”黑白木刻运用丰 富的色彩语言符号,使平庸无奇的黑白变成了千变万化的魔方。它产生的魔力能 够演绎出不同的艺术姿态,使受读者获得视觉上的享受与精神上的愉悦。黑白色 彩语言形式的变换是对艺术家自我审美的追求。 关键词:黑白;色彩;情感;语言形式; I Abstract Our life is colorful, everything is colourful, while in the world it woodcut can with concise black and white and refining generalizes the world wonderful. Black and white woodcut not confused by for colour, it with distinctive black and white view to analyze summarized multicolored world, the black and white woodcut of diverse world is in colorful natural object and humanistic image of the generalization and summary, it use only black and white and two kinds of colour were portrayed, already said lightness and says its intensity. Black and white form of different also conveys the artists emotional world, originally without colour in black and white and become a colour, is an artist gives them the boundless creativity and eternal life, is never outdated colour also is the most beautiful colour. Philosophy is the most elegant black-and-white told the colour, Lao tze cloud: five-color a stricken blind. Black and white wood use rich color, make mediocre language symbols is black and white into a protean rubiks cube. It produces magic can deduce different art posture, so the readers get visual enjoyment and spiritual pleasure. Black and white colour language forms of transform is the pursuit of artists self aesthetic. Keywords: Black and White; Colour; Emotions; II 第一章 绪 论 在传统中国画中,有“墨分五色”一说,由墨色的焦、 浓、重 、



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