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海运术语解释 2011-04-22 15:50:55??by:易物流-做最专业的建材物流交易平台 按英文缩写字母排序。提示:按下Ctrl+F进行搜索。 英文缩写 英文解释 中文解释 AA Always Afloat 经常漂浮 AAAA Always Accessible Always Afloat 经常可进入,经常漂浮 AAOSA Always Afloat?or?Safe Aground. Condition for a vessel whilst in port 经常漂浮或安全搁浅。港口中的船舶状态 AARA Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area 阿姆斯特丹 - 安特卫普 - 鹿特丹区域 ABAFT Toward the rear(sterm)of the ship.Behind (近船尾) 接近船后(船尾)。在后面。 ABOARD On?or?within the ship (在船上) 船上或船内 ABOVE DECK On the deck (not over it - see ALOFT) (在甲板上) 甲板上(不高于甲板 - 见 ALOFT) ABT About 大约 ADCOM Address Commission 订舱佣金,租船佣金 ADDENDUM Additional chartering terms at the end of a charter party ADDENDUM(附件) 租船契约末尾处附加的租船条款 AFSPS Arrival First Sea Pilot Station(Norway) 到达首个海区领航站(挪威) AFFREIGHTMENT The hiring of a ship in whole?or?part (租船) 租用部份或整条船舶 AFT At?or?towards the sterm?or?rear of a ship AFT(在船尾) 处于或接近船尾或船后 AGROUND Touching?or?fast to the bottom (搁浅)接触或贴牢水底 AGW All Going Well 一切顺利 AHL Australian Hold Ladders 澳洲舱梯 AIDS TO NAVIGATION Artificial objects to supplement natural landmarks indicating safe and unsafe waters (导航辅助设施) 天然陆标的人工辅助物,指示安全和危险水域 ALOFT Above the deck of the ship (在上方) 船舶甲板上方 AMIDSHIPS In?or?toward the centre of the ship (在船中部) 处于或接近船舶中央 ANCHORAGE A place suitable for anchorage in relation to the wind,seas and bottom (锚地) 考虑风、海和水底因素后,适合锚泊的地点 ANTHAM Antwerp-Hamburg Range 安特卫普 - 汉堡范围 APS Arrival Pilot Station 到达领航站 ARAG Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam-Gent Range 阿姆斯特丹 - 安特卫普 - 鹿特丹 - 根特范围 ARBITRATION Method of settling disputes which is usually binding on parties. A clause usually in a charter party (仲裁) 解决争端的方式,通常对各方具有约束。租船契约中的常用条款。 A/S Alongside 靠边 ASBA American Shipbrokers Association 美国轮船经纪人协会 ASPW Any Safe Port in the World 世界任何安全港口 ASTERN In the back of the ship, opposite of ahead (在船后) 在船后,与船前相对。 ATDNSHINC Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays Included 早晚任何时间,包括星期日和假日。 ATHWARTSHIPS At right angles to the centreline of the ship (横向) 与船舶中心线成直角 ATUTC Actual Times Used to Count 所用实际时间计数 BACKLETTERe6w6 Whe


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