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第11卷第2 期 Vol.11 No.2 2018 年 1 月 January 2018 基于蚁群算法的高层结构黏滞阻尼器 优化布置 曹淋宇,燕乐纬* (广州大学土木工程学院,广州 510006 ) 摘要:采用蚁群算法对高层结构的阻尼器优化布置问题进行研究。在此基础上,对蚁群算法有关参数的性能、 作用及选取原则进行分析,给出了解决高层结构阻尼器优化布置问题的一个最优参数组合。数值算例证明了 本文所用算法和参数组合的有效性和可用性。本文的分析与结论对研究蚁群算法在高层建筑结构消能减震阻 尼器优化布置问题中的应用有一定借鉴意义。 关键词:土木建筑结构;蚁群算法;黏滞阻尼器;参数优化;高层建筑 中图分类号:TU311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-2850(2018)02-0174-08 Optimal installation of viscous dampers in tall buildings based on ant colony algorithm CAO Linyu, YAN Lewei (School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China) Abstract: In this paper, the ant colony algorithm is used to solve the problem of optimal installation for dampers in tall buildings. On this basis, the performance, function and selection principle of the parameters are analyzed. An optimal parameter combination is obtained to solve the problem of optimal installation for dampers in tall buildings. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness and availability of the proposed algorithm and parameter combination. The analysis and conclusion of this paper have some reference significances for the application of ant colony algorithm in the optimal installation of energy dissipation dampers for tall building structure. Key words: civil construction structure; ant colony algorithm; viscous damper; parameter optimization; tall building 0 引言 [1] 在高层、超高层建筑结构上安装黏滞阻尼器是被动控制的常用方法 。随着结构层数及阻尼器数量 的增加,阻尼器的优化布置成为消能减震装置布置时重点考虑的问题之一[2~3] 。作


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