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概率(几率) probability · HYPERLINK /zysy/sbglyy/sbgl/15621.htm \t _blank 方差 variance ·分散维修 decentralized maintenance ·动态试验 dynamic test ·动力设备设施管理 power facilities management ·除尘、防护设备管理 duct-proof and protective equipment managemen t ·抽样调查 sampling investigation ·备件国产化管理 domestic production management of imported spare parts ·标准偏差 standard deviation ·安装预算 budget of installation ·包机制 machine contracting system ·班前检查与润滑制度 regulation of check and lubrication before on shift ·[设备]交接班制度 shift relief system ·《设备管理条例》(《条例》) 《Equipment Management Regulation》 ·[设备]修理 repair ·[设备]维修 maintenance (and repair) ·重点调查 key-point investigation ·重点设备管理 management of key-point equipment ·重点设备 key-point equipment ·责任事故 liability accident ·指数分布 exponential distribution ·直方图 histogram ·预付与托收承付 prepayment and collection ·预防性试验 prophylactic test ·预防为主 prevention first ·正交设计法(正交试验法) orthogonal design ·正态分布 normal distribution ·运输车辆管理制度 transportation vehicle management system ·质量“三包” three guarantees of quality ·质量事故 accident due to quality ·压力容器管理制度 management regulation of pressure vessel ·无故障运行时间 mean time to failure ·威布尔分布 Weibull distribution ·闲置设备管理制度 idle equipment management ·闲置设备 idle plant ·统计分析 statistical analysis ·维修性 maintainability ·维修信息管理 maintenance information management ·维护与计划检修相结合 combination of service and planned maintenance ·随机事件 random event ·数控设备管理 numerical control (NC) equipment management ·三级保养制 three-level service system ·数学期望 mathematical expectation ·数学模型 mathematical model ·数理统计 mathematical statistics ·生产技术装备 technical facilities in production ·生产设备 production equipment ·寿命周期费用 life cycle cost (LCC) ·润滑油库管理制度 mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse ·商检(商品检验) commodity inspection ·设计、制造与使用相结合 combination of design, manufacturing and operation ·设备调研 investigation on plant ·设备的可靠性与可靠度 reliability reliability theory ·设备的节能性 energy saving property of plant ·设备的检查评比 facility inspection


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