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教材阅读策略整合 与 高考阅读复习指导 讲座内容: 第一部分:问题呈现 第二部分:原因分析 第三部分:措施讨论 第一部分:问题呈现 阅读策略的重要性与应用现状的差距 1. 阅读策略的重要性 2. 应用现状的差距 1)教师方面: 旧的阅读教学观念与新课程改革目标的差距 2)学生方面: 阅读量与阅读效率的差距 第二部分:原因分析 1. 教材的原因 2. 命题的原因 3. 教师的原因 4. 学生的原因 1. 教材的原因 1)教材阅读策略的呈现、归类和完整性问题 Module Unit Text Reading Strategy No. 1 1 School life Skimming and scanning 1 2 Growing pains Reading?a play 2 3 Looking good, feeling good Understanding sentences with “however” or “but” 3 2 1 Tales of the unexplained Understanding a newspaper article 4 2 Wish you were here Reading?an informal letter 5 3 Amazing people Predicting information 6 3 1 The world of our senses Reading?a story 7 2 Language Reading?a history article 8 3 Back to the past Reading diary entries 9 4 1 Advertising Reading expository writing 10 2 Sporting events Reading?a speech 11 3 Tomorrow’s world Reading?a business proposal 12 5 1 Getting along with others Reading?to understand emotion 13 2 The environment Reading?a debate 14 3 Science versus nature Understanding scientific terms 15 6 1 Laughter is good for you Guessing the meaning of the word from the content 16 2 What is happiness to you? Reading?an interview 17 3 Understanding each other Understanding the use of examples 18 4 Helping people around the world Understanding a speaker’s attitude 19 7 1 Living with technology Understanding subtitles 20 2 Fit for life Understanding medical terms 21 3 The world online Reading?an argument 22 4 Public transport Reading?a tourist brochure 23 8 1 The written word Reading?a persuasive essay 24 2 The universal language Reading a review of an opera 25 3 The world of colours and light Reading?a life story 26 4 Films and film events Identifying objective views 27 9 1 Other countries, other cultures Sorting out information 28 2 Witnessing time Recognizing reference markers 29 3 The meaning of colour Thinking about what you already know 30 4 Behind beliefs Understanding analogies 31 10 1 Building the future Understanding a title 32 2 People on the move Matching pictures and quo


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