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冠词是一种虚词,放在名词的前面,帮助说明名词的含义。冠词分不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)和定冠词(The definite Article)两种。a (an) 是不定冠词,the是定冠词。 Unit 2 冠 词 (Articles) (一). 不定冠词的用法 1. 用在可数名词前表示 “一个” 相当于“one”。. There is a book on the desk. I’ll return in a day or two. 2.表示“某一个” 相当于“a certain”. A Mr. White is waiting for you downstairs. 3. 表示 “一类” 相当于“any”. A horse is a useful animal. 4. 表示 “每一” 相当于“per”. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day. The envelopes are one yuan and twenty fen a dozen. 5. 用在某些固定词组中. a bit, a few, a little, a lot of, a piece of, a cup of, a glass of, a pile of, a pair of, have a good time, for a while, for a long time 6. 用在抽象名词前,表具体的介绍:a + 抽象名 词,起具体化的作用。如: This little girl is a joy to her parents. It is a pleasure to talk with you. It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. 7. 与物质名词连用,表示“一种,一阵、一份”。 What a heavy rain! What a good supper! Please give me a black coffee! 8. “a” 用在辅音开头前, “an” 用在元音开头前. a useful book, a European country, a one-year-old child, an hour, an honest boy, an 800-metre-long bridge, There is an “s” in the word “smile”. f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x, (二). 定冠词的用法 1. 表示文中再次提到的人或物. There is a book on the desk. The book is an English book. 2. 表示特指的人或物(即:谈话时彼此都知道的人或物). Look at the blackboard. Open the door, please. 3. 用在单数可数名词前表示类指 The horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals. 4. 表示世界上独一无二的东西 the sun, the earth, the capital, the sky, the universe but: in nature, in space, 5. 用在由普通名词构成的国家、党派等专有名词前以及江、河、湖、海、山川、群岛的名词前。 the United States, the Communist Party of China, the Changjiang River, the Urul Mountains, the Philippines, the Pacific 6. 用在序数词、形容词最高级前。 the second story, the largest room 7. 用在方位名词前或某些表示时间的词组或习惯语中。 on the left, in the east / west, in the morning, on the other hand, in the end 8. 用在形容词或分词前表示一类人。 the poor / rich / old / young / living / wounded 9. 在姓氏复数形式前,表示全家人或夫妇二人。 The Smiths are s


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