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PAGE II PAGE I 摘 要 我国江河湖海水域众多,拥有大量的水下设施,这些水下设施的状况需要及时检测,这就迫切需要一种水下清刷检测机器人来完成这些任务。本文主要针对水下构筑物表面特点,对水下构筑物清刷检测机器人系统进行了设计研究。 本文首先对水下机器人的发展现状及趋势进行了介绍,提出了水下构筑物清刷检测机器人整体设计方案。本文根据水下构筑物表面特点合理选择了吸附方式,按照需要进行了自由度的选择,并依据相关要求和标准对各种附件进行了选型,对清刷机构和推进系统进行了设计研究,应用三维制图软件UG设计出机器人水下部分整体结构,进行了重心和浮心的校核,并应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对框架结构进行了应力分析。本文还以所设计的水下构筑物清刷检测机器人为平台,建立了固定和运动坐标系,推导出水中一般运动方程,并根据水下构筑物清刷检测机器人的不同工况,分别对水中航行工况和水下构筑物表面作业工况进行了运动受力分析。 在推进系统设计上,本文综合考虑了自由度要求和背力吸附要求,提出了一种六推进器布置方案;在推进器设计中,参照船舶推进系统设计思路,根据水下机器人总体设计要求,提出了一种设计方法:通过螺旋桨的设计理论和现有螺旋桨相关参数和特性,求得螺旋桨转速和直径,从而推算出驱动电机所需的功率,再进行具体设计参数调整校核。 关键词:水下机器人;清刷机构;整体结构;推进系统;运动受力分析 ABSTRACT Among the enormous lakes,rivers and seas dotted in our territory,there are plenty of underwater facilities that require regular examinations where underwater cleaning and detection sets would be needed.In this paper,for the characteristics of underwater structures,a specific underwater cleaning and detection robotic system is designed. In the light of current tendency of underwater robots,the overall design scheme of this robot is released.Type selections of attachments in accordance with related requests and standards coupled with researches on cleaning mechanism and propulsion system are carried out after a suitable sorption pattern and its freedom of motion having been determined by virtue of the features of underwater structures.Stress analysis of the framework is given by ANSYS,prior to which centres of grativity and buoyancy are checked when having built up the overall structure of the underwater parts in UG.In addition,a common kinematic equation is deduced based on the two coordinate systems that a fixed coordinates and a moving one upon the platform which this robot has offered.The equation has carried out kinematic stress analysis for both the submergence and the cleaning-detection operations on the basis of different work conditions. An experiment result of stimulating the underwater robot’s movements in both horizontal and vertical directions in FLUENT proves



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