朱集矿1.5 mta新井设计(机械等cad图纸).doc

朱集矿1.5 mta新井设计(机械等cad图纸).doc

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朱集矿1.5 mta新井设计(机械等cad图纸)

PAGE 本科机械毕业设计论文CAD图纸 QQ 401339828 本科机械毕业设计论文CAD图纸 QQ 401339828 摘 要 本设计包括三部分:一般部分,专题部分和翻译部分。 一般部分是朱集矿1.5Mt/a新井设计。全篇共分为十个部分:矿井概述及井田地质特征、井田境界和储量、矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限、井田开拓、准备方式-带区巷道布置、采煤方法、井下运输、矿井提升与运输、矿井通风与安全和矿井主要经济技术指标。 朱集矿井位于安徽省淮南市境内。矿井中心东南距淮南洞山约38km,交通极为方便。矿区范围:西部与潘北矿相接,东部与皖北局毗邻,北部以明龙山断层为界,南部以F72断层为界。东西走向长约7.9km,南北宽3.6km,面积约28.89km2。 13-1煤层为可采煤层,厚度为4.2m,平均倾角为5°。矿井正常涌水量100 朱集矿设计年生产能力为1.5Mt/a,服务年限为55.4a。矿井工作制度为“三八”制。矿井的采煤方法主要为走向长壁综合机械化一次采全高。矿井为单水平带区开拓。水平标高为-906m,采用立井开拓,主立井主要用于提升煤炭,副立井主要用于提升人员、矸石、和材料等。 矿井采用一矿一面的高效作业方式。工作面长度为195m。运输大巷采用胶带运输煤炭,轨道大巷采用蓄电池电机车牵引1.5t固定箱式矿车运输矸石和材料等。 矿井通风方式为抽出通风方式,风井布置方式为中央并列式。 专题部分主要介绍了矿井瓦斯综合防治。 翻译部分题目为:“Determination of rational support parameters of bolting and shotcreting with wire mesh in soft roadway”。 关键词:软岩巷道; 区域拉压; 拉伸变形; ABSTRACT This design includes three part: General part, translation part with special subject part. The general part is a mine of Zhuji mineral 1.5Mt/a new well in design. The whole article is divided into ten parts totally: The colliery says all and coalfield quality characteristic, coalfied state with keep deal, colliery work system, the ability of produce in design, and time limit to service, colliery expands and prepare the way - takes the working area tunnel arranges and adopt coal method, the transport under ground, colliery promotes with transport, colliery well ventilated and safety with main economic technique index sign in shaft. The Zhuji mine locates in the city of Huainan, Anhui province. It is roughly 38 km apart from Dongshan in Huannan. the transportation is extremely convenient. Colliery scope is from the east of the Panbei mine locates to the west of the Wanbei Coal Mining Administration. the northern Borders and the southern Borders are the Minglong mountain faultage and the F72 faultage respectively. The alignment in longth roughly is 7.9 km, the breadth from north to south is 3.6 In the Coalfield 13-1 layer is adopted coal seam. The thickness of 13-1 coal seam is 4.2m, the aver


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