法兰件的冲压工艺与模具设计概述(doc 38页).docx

法兰件的冲压工艺与模具设计概述(doc 38页).docx

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法兰件的冲压工艺与模具设计概述(doc 38页)

摘 要 在工业发展大步向前迈进的中国,冲压工艺也在不断发展中占据着越来越重要的地位。此次设计首先通过计算坯料的尺寸,明确拉深的次数,最终确定了完成工件的加工需要两次拉深。在这之后以目标工件即法兰件为准,在分析了目标工件和拉深工艺的基础上,根据工序设计要求以及对比了常见的三类模具的优缺点,在其中选择了复合模具完成落料拉深工序。在之后的设计中,计算了要如何排样,计算各个重要的力,还设计了要如何把板料冲裁为坯料的方案。在之前的计算和设计的铺垫下,这之后很顺利地计算和设计了模具零件的部分尺寸,如工作部分凸、凹模的刃口尺寸,并根据标准对一些数据进行校核。然后根据参考资料和标准设计了其他模具零件,如定位零件,卸料零件等等。在进行了以上计算和设计的基础上,最后绘制出了模具的装配图和零件图。 关键词:落料;拉深;复合模;法兰件 ABSTRACT As the Chinese industry continues to develop, stamping process is becoming more and more important. In this paper, three different stamping processes (single process, composite process and continuous process) of the forming process are compared and analyzed for the punching process and drawing process of the wide flange cylindrical parts. And selected the composite process .The shape, size, nesting, cutting plate scheme, the number of times of drawing, the nature, number and order of stamping process are briefly analyzed. It was determined that two deep drawing is required.The work force, pressure center, mold part of the work size and tolerance calculation, and design of the mold. But also the specific analysis of the main parts of the mold (such as convex and concave die, unloading device, drawing punch, plate, punch fixed plate, etc.) design and manufacturing, convex and concave mold gap adjustment. A detailed list of the parts required for the mold is listed and a reasonable assembly drawing and part drawing are given. Key words: blanking; drawing; composite mold; flanges 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc15450 前言 HYPERLINK \l _Toc26530 第一章 零件的分析 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc11757 1.1 零件的技术要求 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3877 1.2 零件的可拉深性能 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc6111 1.3 零件的形状及尺寸公差等级要求 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc24192 第二章 工艺分析方案 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc30306 2.1工序尺寸的计算 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc217 2.2模具类型的选择 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc27343 第3章 压力机的选择和成型部件的计算 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc20939 3.1 搭边值的确定 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc11117 3.2排样方式 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc15155 3.3 步距 9 HYPERLINK \l _Toc7316 3.4 计算材料利用率 10 HYPERLINK \l _Toc21066 3.5 计算冲压力与


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