桩基施工安全方案培训资料(doc 33页).docx

桩基施工安全方案培训资料(doc 33页).docx

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桩基施工安全方案培训资料(doc 33页)

桩基施工安全方案(WMS) Work Management System 中国化学 CNCEC 1. 安全保证措施 Safety Assurance Measures 1.1 正确使用各类劳动防护用品 Correct usage of PPE i. 进入施工现场作业人员一律穿结实的耐油底或钢头皮帮的防砸工作鞋。在水坑内及积水处工作时必须穿防穿刺防水胶靴。 Anyone who enters into the construction site has to wear strong anti-smashing work shoes. If you work in the water pond or flooded area, gumboots will be necessary. ii. 进入施工现场作业人员必须佩戴符合国家标准的安全帽。如果安全帽超过有限期限、破裂或已 损坏时立即更换。 Anyone who enters into the construction site must wear qualified safety helmet. If the safety helmet is over the expiry date or damaged, then it must be replaced with new one. iii. 在施工作业中易于烧手、刺手、烫手或严重磨手的作业必须佩戴相应手套;电焊、气焊作业时 佩戴绝缘隔热阻燃的电焊专用手套;电工佩戴绝缘手套。 Workers have to wear proper gloves when they carry out those works which may damage hands in the process of construction; welding?gloves and insulating gloves shall be equipped to welders and electricians, respectively. iv. 在有可能出现飞溅物体时如切屑、冲刷、撬、敲打等,佩戴防护眼镜和围巾。焊接、切割作时 佩戴防冲击和热辐射的防护面罩,在有引发危险可能时设置防护网或屏障。 Safety goggles and scarfs shall be equipped to workers if any flying objects may be occurred. The relevant face shield also must be equipped to workers when they are welding or cutting something, protective nets or protective barriers have to be set up if necessary. v. 个人防护用品是实现安全生产的一项强制性预防措施,不得随意变更或降低标准。 No one could randomly change or lower the standards of PPE, because the usage of PPE is the most effective and preventive way to implement safe production. vi. 使用防护用品前应检查用品的安全性能,并做好防护用品的保养和保存。 PPE should be inspected prior to usage, besides, they also have to be saved and maintained well. 1.2 设置安全警示标志标识 Set up safety warning signs i. 根据作业区域的危险程度及时设置相应的安全标志,多个安全标志牌在一起设置时,应按警 告、禁止、指令、提示类型的顺序,先左后右、先下后上排列。 The relevant safety signs should be set up in accordance with the hazard level of construction area. When those safety signs are set up at the same time, they should be divided as per the functions, such as warning, prohibition, instruction and notice, besides, they shall be arranged in the principle of “left-first


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