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A b A b s tr a c t S in ce refo rm and op enn ess, th e foreig n trad e o f C h in a is m o v in g fo rw ard w ith an am azin g sp eed an d h as m ade ey e-catch in g ach iev em ents.2 0 11 y ears,th e total am ou n t o f im p orts and exp orts reach ed 364 20 billion d o llars, as th e first m ajor cou ntry o f im p o rt an d th e secon d m ajor co un try o f exp o rt. W ith ou r foreign trad e d evelo pp in g rap id ly, such p rob lem s as th e lo w b enefit of exp orts, the feeble com p etitiv en ess, th e irration al stru ctu re, th e sev ere p ro b lem s o f reso u rces and en v iron m en t em erg e grad ually. It is n ecessary th at w e m ake th e transform ation of foreign trade developm ental pattern w hen the foreign trade developm ent of our country conies to the n ew p eriod .O ur gov ernm en t h as m ade th e qu estion a top p riority, an d h as brou ght up p ro m oting th e tran sfo rm atio n o f foreign trade g row th p attern an d fo cu sin g on im p ro v in g the qu ality an d effi cien cy o f foreig n trad e in th e central com m ittee in 2 0 0 5 . O u r g o v ernm ent bro u g h t u p accelerattin g th e tran sform ation o f fo reign trad e dev elop m ental pattern in 200 9 . A lth ough w e hav e got som e ach eiv em ent w ith im p lem entin g th e strateg ic m easures, th e foreig n trad e develop m en tal p attern d id n ot get th e fun dam ental tran sform atio n . In th e nex t fiv e y ears,glo b altrade p attern w ill h av e sign ificant an d p ro fo u n d chan ges.T h e global econ om y w illturn to low gro w th ,and be m ore com p etitiv e.A fter th e fin an cial crisis,th e slo w reco v ery o f glo b al eco n o m y m akes m o st co u n tries' trade policy enh ancem ent.A n d the n ew trade protectio n ism and protectio n m ean s app ear con stan tly so th at g lo b al trad e frictio n w ill be in to th e new frequ en cy .A llth e sign s sh o w th at the d ev elop m ent o f fo rei


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