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内蒙古工业大学双学位本科毕业论文 本科毕业论文 题 目:神华集团盈利能力分析 题 目:神华集团盈利能力分析 摘 要 煤炭产业是我国国民经济发展中最重要的基础能源产业,是关系着国民生计的产业,是各国经济发展战略中的优先发展重点。本文通过对神华集团2013年到2015年的财务数据进行研究,采用SWOT分析和盈利能力指标的对比分析,并与中煤能源、兖州煤业的财务数据对比,得出以下结论:自2013年以后,神华的盈利能力有所下降,但仍高于同行业水平。从资产报酬率、销售毛利率、销售净利率、成本费用利润率和净资产收益率来看,神华集团的资产运营效应良好,经营管理水平处于行业较高地位,而且成本费用方面神华集团也做得十分完善,但由于煤炭行业整体的不景气,而且煤炭市场分散、竞争无序和产能过剩等问题的出现,使得神华集团的盈利能力有所下降。神华集团需要对产业进行转型和升级,发展新的清洁能源,并不断推进产业纵向一体化战略。 关键词:神华集团;盈利能力;盈利能力指标;煤炭行业 Abstract The coal industry is the foundation of developing national economy in our country. The coal industry has a great influence on national life. The coal industry is the focus on national economic development strategy. This article though to the China Shenhua Energy Company Limited from 2013 to 2015 financial data were analyzed by comparing with the China Coal Energy Company limited and Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited, draw the following conclusions: In the beginning of 2013 Shenhua profitability decline, but still above the level of the industry. From the Return on Total Assets Ratio, Sales margins, Net Profit Margin on Sales, Ratio of profits to cost and expense and Rate of Return on Common Stockholders'Equilty come to see, Shenhua assets operation effect is good,high management level in an industry status. In addition, in the aspect of cost Shenhua also do very perfect. But owing to the coal industry is facing severe situation, and scattered coal market、compete under on rules and overcapacity problem, making the profitability of Shenhua decreased. Shenhau need to translate and upgrade of the industry,develop new clean energy, and constantly promote industry vertical integration strategy. Key words:The China Shenhua Energy Company Limited; Earning Power; Earning Power Analysis; The Coal industry 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc25281 引 言 PAGEREF _Toc25281 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc28571 第一章 盈利能力分析的相关概念 PAGEREF _Toc28571 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc61 1.1企业盈利能力概述 PAGEREF _Toc61 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc13434 1.2反应企业盈利能力的指标 PAGEREF


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