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1、对于这个问题,关注很少。 Little attention was paid to this problem. 2、课堂上应该鼓励小组讨论。 Group discussion should be encouraged in class. 3、据报导,这里将修建一条新的马路。 It is reported that a new road will be built here. 4、必须采取措施来防止河流受到污染。 Measures should be taken to stop the river from being polluted. 主动和被动 get done 1).The patient got treated once a week. 2).He got injured while searching for the lost boy in the woods. 3).Try to avoid _____________ (受伤害) while being in love with others. getting hurt 4).Cleaning women in big cities usually get _____ (pay)by the hour. paid 二、 主动形式 表 被动意义 1. 连系动词look, sound, feel, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, prove, turn, stay, become, fall, get, grow, keep + adj. 构成系表结构,主动表被动。 The steel feels cold. His plan proved (to be) practical. The yogurt in the fridge ______________ (已经变质). has gone bad 2. 表示开始、结束、运动的动词。 如:begin, finish, start, open, close, stop, end, shut, run, move 等主动表被动。 Work began at 7 o’clock this morning. The shop closes at 6 p.m. every day. 3. need / want / require doing, be worth doing, be to blame主动表被动。 The equipment in the corner ________________ (需要修理). requires repairing 注意: 2.表示说话人始料未及的事情 ,要用一般过去时。 I didn’t know it was you. I never expected you would bring me a gift. 一般过去时的典型例句 He often sang when he was a boy. 2. ----Edward,you play so well. But I didnt know you played the piano. 3. —You speak very good French! —Thanks. I studied French in Sichuan University for four years. 4. I think the film was interesting, but it isn’t.(T/F) thought 过去时 和现在完成时 He has lived in Beijing for four years. 他在北京住了四年了。(现在仍住那儿) He lived in Beijing for four years. 他曾在北京住了四年。(现在不住那儿了) 1.He has written to me frequently since I was ill. 2.He has written to me frequently since I fell ill. 句1从句谓语动词为状态动词 句2从句谓语动词为终止性动词 自从我病愈以来,他屡次给我写信。 自从我生病以来,他屡次给我写信。 It is one year since he began living there. It is one year since he lived there. 若


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