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PAGE PAGE 1 北京化工大?学 第七届“萌芽杯”参赛作品 作品名称 餐厨垃圾厌?氧消化反应?条件的优化?试验 作 品 类 别 A类 学 院 名 称 化学工程学?院 负责人姓 名 崔世博 导 师 姓 名 刘广青副研?究员 餐厨垃圾厌?氧消化反应?条件的优化?试验 崔世博 姜坤 封烨 雍维 摘要:本文通过对?北京化工大?学北区食堂?进行调研,初步确定其?餐厨垃圾的?产量及组成?,结合送样检?测与试验测?定,得到餐厨垃?圾具体的理?化指标;采用正交试?验对批式厌?氧消化的三?个反应条件?(A:初始pH值?,B:KW负荷,C:接种物ML?VSS)进行优化,结果表明:三者对产气?的影响高度?显著,影响主次顺?序为C>B>A,最佳反应条?件为A=8.1,B=10gVS?/L,C=17.9g/L;不同碱性物?质(Na2CO?3和NaO?H)调节初始p?H值试验表?明,相同初始p?H值情况下?,投加Na2?CO3比N?aOH更利?于厌氧消化?产沼气。 关键词: 餐厨垃圾;厌氧消化;正交试验 An Optim?izing? Exper?iment? on Food Waste? Anaer?obic Diges?tion React?ion Condi?tion CUI Shi-bo JIANG? Kun FENG Ye YONG Wei Abstr?act: Throu?gh doing? resea?rch on the cafet?eria of Beiji?ng Unive?rsity? of Chemi?cal Techn?ology? Chang?ping Campu?s, this artic?le inves?tigat?ed the const?ituen?t and produ?ctivi?ty of the waste? food. Combi?ng with the sampl?e test and exper?iment?al assay?, the autho?r got speci?fic physi?ochem?ical index? of the waste? food; the artic?le used the three? react?ion condi?tions? of the ortho?gonal? exper?iment?, and the batch? type anaer?obic diges?tion to optim?ize the waste? food(A: initi?al pH value?, B: KW load, C: the inocu?lums MLVSS?). The resul?t indic?ated that: The influ?ence of these? three? eleme?nts to produ?ce gas is highl?y signi?fican?t. The influ?ence signi?fican?ce is C > B > A, optim?um react?ion condi?tions? are A = 8.1, B = 10gVS?/L, C = 17.9 g/L; adjus?ting the initi?al pH exper?iment? of diffe?rent alkal?i subst?ances? (Na2CO?3 and NaOH) shows? that on the condi?tion of the same initi?al PH , Na2CO?3 is more likel?y to produ?ce the anaer?obic diges?tion than NaOH. Key words?:Food waste?;Anaer?obic diges?tion;Ortho?gonal? exper?iment? 符号说明 TS total? solid?s 总固体 VS volat?ile solid?s 挥发性固体? MLSS mixed? liquo?r suspe?nded solid?s 混合液悬浮?固体浓度 MLVSS? mixed? liquo?r volat?ile suspe?nded solid?s 混合液挥发?性悬浮固体?浓度 KW kitch?en waste? 餐厨垃圾 目 录 1 前言………………………………………………………………………………………1 2 实地调研…………………………………………………………………………………1 3 厌氧消化反?应条件优化


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