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摩托罗拉Defy手机网络营销策划方案 摘 要 在当今世界快速的发展中,为了方便大家随时随地更好更快的交流,于是手机顺应时代的潮流诞生了。顺着这股潮流,出现了大至诺基亚、三星、索爱,小至国内的魅族、OPPO等手机生产企业。互联网已经越来越多的影响我们的生活,互联网就像一个通往世界的窗口, 它使这个世界变得更小了,使我们接触的更多了。如何将手机与互联网有机地结合了起来,通过手机应用互联网,通过互联网宣传手机,这成为厂家的重中之重。 摩托罗拉虽然有公司自己的网站,虽然在国际上是一家知名的手机企业,在中国大陆的知名度也很高,但现在已经不复往日的辉煌。Defy作为摩托罗拉公司旗下首款防尘、防水、防刮花的三防手机,同时也是首款Android系统三防手机,这款手机的防护性能是其最大亮点,Defy可以达到IP67防护标准的要求,这也是该标准的最高级别。IP67标准可以做到完全密闭,任何灰尘无法进入,长时间浸泡在水中不会对手机正常运行造成影响。Defy是一款摩托罗拉公司寄予厚望的产品,怎么利用网络营销的方式,去推广这款手机,使之成为大众了解和喜爱的产品成为我们的目标。 本文通过查阅相关的文章、评测以及摩托罗拉官方网站上的相关资料,对摩托罗拉Defy这款产品的网络营销给出了自己的营销策划方案。 关 键 词:互联网,IP67,Android, 网络营销 MOTOROLA Defy mobile network marketing planning scheme ABSTRACT In todays world and rapid development, in order to facilitate everybody anytime and anywhere, and communicate better and faster so follow the trend of the times mobile was born. Follow the trend, Nokia, SamSung, SONY Ericsson which are the big company emergence,then is some domestic mobile production enterprise just as MeiZu, OPPO. The Internet which is like a window of the world has more and more influence our lives and makes the world smaller and more contact with each other. How to make mobile phones and Internet organically combine? I think the application of Internet by mobile phone, and also the Internet to propagate the mobile phone , this become the most important thing of manufacturer.Though the MOTOROLA has it’s own web site, though is the international well-known phone enterprise and enjoys great popularity in China , now has lost some of brilliance. as the first dustproof, waterproof, prevent scratch mobile phone, also the first Android system phone, Defy’s highlights is it’s protective function, Defy can meet the standard of protection technology of IP67. this is the highest level of the standard. The standards of IP67 can be totally airtight, any dust inaccessible, it will has any influence of long time in water. Defy is the production which place a lot of hope. how to use the E-marketing methods to popularize this mobile


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