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本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 改性粉煤灰对印染厂 印染废水的处理 专 业: 环境工程 学 号: 学生姓名: 王久铭 指导教师: 王丹丹 能源与水利学院 二〇一六年四月二十三日 摘 要 近些年来,我国的印染工业发展迅速,各种染料的产量已达90万吨,当前印染废水已成为最主要的水体污染源之一。印染行业中染料的品种繁多,工艺极为复杂,废水中含有许多有毒有机物和一些重金属等,具有色泽深、酸碱性极强等特点,成为了当前污水的处理难题。 粉煤灰是一种工业固体废弃物,具有多孔性,比表面积大,故有很好的吸附性能。粉煤灰通过物理吸附,化学吸附等作用去除废水中的污染物。粉煤灰经过改性活化处理后,吸附能力大大提高,应用于废水处理中,达到以废治废,实现资源可持续利用。 本文通过对改性粉煤灰处理印染废水进行研究。通过实验对改性粉煤灰加入、吸附温度、吸附时间、废水的pH和改性粉煤灰粒度对废水中色度的去除率的影响进行了考察。通过实验可以得出结论,改性粉煤灰处理印染废水的最佳工艺条件为:吸附温度为30℃、吸附时间为70min、改性粉煤灰粒度为100~120目、废水pH为10.0、改性粉煤灰加入量为2.4g。在此条件下能使100ml模拟印染废水中色度由600倍降到65倍,色度的去除率达89.2%,达到了国家的《污水综合排放标准》二级标准,符合拟二级吸附动力学模型。 关键词:粉煤灰;印染废水;改性;吸附 ABSTRACT In recent years, with the fast development of China's printing industry, the total yield of various dyes has reached 900000 tons. The printing and dyeing wastewater has currently become one of the main sources of water pollution. Dyeing and printing industry wastewater has such characteristics of large discharging quantity, complex composition, containing large amounts of toxic organics and some heavy metals, deeply color, strong acid and alkaline etc, which has become one of the difficult problems in current pollution treatment. Fly ash is an industrial solid waste, porosity, specific surface area, so it is a good adsorption performance. Removal of pollutants in wastewater by physical adsorption and chemical adsorption effect of fly ash. Fly ash after modification and activation treatment, adsorption capacity is greatly improved, application in wastewater treatment, using waste to treat waste, sustainable utilization of resources. Through of the modified fly ash treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater was studied. By experiment examines the modified by adding fly ash, adsorption temperature, adsorption time, pH of wastewater and modified fly ash particle size effect on wastewater chroma removal rate. Experimental results show that modified fly ash treatment of printing and dyein


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