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空调垫片冲压模具设计 摘 要 设计内容包括:零件图的分析,冲压件生产方案的比较与确定,模具结构的确定,工作部分尺寸的计算,冲压力的计算,工作行程的确定,定位机构的设计,卸料方式及卸料机构的比较与确定,固定安全机构的设计,模架结构的确定,压力设备的选择与校验,模具强度校核,对模具各个零部件的尺寸整理与绘制。 本设计共分四章分别论述了产品工艺分析,冲压方案的确定,工艺计算,模板及零件设计,模具组立等问题。本设计是第一工序(冲裁)的模具。本设计的内容是确定单工序模内型和结构形式以及工艺性,绘制模具总图和非标准件零件图。 关键词:模具结构 工艺分析 单工序模 Air conditioning gasket stamping die design ABSTRACT The main of the design is the second bended design . The design elements include : an craft analysis of parts, to determine the craft ways, determine the all structure of the two die, to count the section of work’s ram disc production, to count the force of the bended, the discharge institutions designed fixed position body design, blank emission kind design for the spaces in the design , to design the conduct direction and fixed body and determined the result ,choose the die framework structure, stamping equipment of choice and intensity degree ,die’s intensity degree ,draw the assemble drawing and draw the part drawing according the assemble drawing. This design altogether is divided 15hapters, elaborated the product craft analysis separately, the ramming plan determination, the process design, the template and the components design, the mold group at once question. The present paper is the first project (punch cut) mold. This design content is determined the superposable die former and the structural style as well as the technology capability, draw up the mold assembly drawing and the non-standard letter detail drawing. KEY WORDS: mold structure Craft analysis multiple spaces into national level 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc264138398 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc264138398 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264138399 第1章 设计内容及要求 PAGEREF _Toc264138399 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264138400 1.1制件图、材料及要求 PAGEREF _Toc264138400 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264138401 第2章 冲裁件的工艺分析及主要设计计算 PAGEREF _Toc264138401 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264138402 2.1 冲裁件的工艺分析 PAGEREF _Toc264138402 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc264138403 2.2 排样方式的确定 PAGEREF _Toc264138403 \h 4 HYPERL


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