小学五年级英语上册 unit 1 lesson 3 were they active in class名师公开课省级获奖课件 鲁科版.ppt

小学五年级英语上册 unit 1 lesson 3 were they active in class名师公开课省级获奖课件 鲁科版.ppt

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小学五年级英语上册 unit 1 lesson 3 were they active in class名师公开课省级获奖课件 鲁科版

Unit1 Lesson3 were They active in class? Let’s chant! Let’s chant Then then then, I was two. Now now now, I am twenty. Then then then, he was short. Now now now, he is tall. YaoMing He was short then. He was thin. He is tall . He is strong. now Now they are old. Then They were young then. were ( are 的过去式) Then Now They were young then. Now they are old. They were small then. Now they are big . young old small big 用 were/ are 说句子。 They They Now they Now they young then. small then. old . big . were were are are were pupil ago but active活跃的 naughty淘气的 smart聪明的 Let's learn: 让我们学 1.Who is back at school? 2.Were the boys active in class? 3.What do Mr Wang's pupils say? They are Mr Wang's pupils. Yes, they were. Happy Teachers' Day. pupil s They were in his class ten years ago. Goodbye ! Lesson 4 Do they work ? 学习目标: A.??知识目标 1.掌握句型 :??He? is? a? ____.???She? is? a? ______.学生须掌握表示职业的单词,如driver等。(在听说的基础上研究到背写,但对于写单词不做具体要求,根据学生的个体差异,个别对待) 2.说出并且灵活运用重点句型 What do they do ?How do they go to work? 掌握一般疑问句的两种回答方式。 3培养学生正确使用本课所学句型,来介绍人们的各种职业。 B.能力目标 能用本课重点句子和职业名称互相问答,并能简单介绍父母及家人的工作。 C.情感态度价值观 在教学过程中培养学生的学习兴趣,并向学生渗透尊重父母的劳动,劳动最光荣的意识。 My father is a businessman. He has a car. He drives to work. My mother is a doctor. How does she go to work ? By bus. My Aunt ,Wang Rong is a teacher. She works in a school. She goes to work on her bicycle. 练习:连线 cashier shop clerk restaurant waitress school teacher shop 连词成句: Am I a clerk ___________________________ 2. I restaurant the in work ________________________________ 3. Is student a new she ________________________________ 4. Waitress are you a _________________________ 用be (am, is ,are)填空: 1. I_____ a student. 2. He______ a teach



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