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【论文】东西方文化差异对国际贸易的影响 摘 要 不同的文化传统影响着国际贸易一般说来传统文化越浓重对外贸易越封闭经济越是落后认识文化差异并采取恰当策略使世界贸易在文化融合的推动下实现真正全面的自由化是我们共同的课题在国际经贸合作领域文化差异的影响占有重要的地位在对外贸易合作中合作双方应在保证各自利益的基础上尊重对方国家的文化风俗这样才能促进合作随着中国加入WTO进口和出口等对外贸易量大大增加21世纪是经济全球化的时代中国作为世界上工业产品的输出大国更是迎来了国际贸易竞争的机遇和挑战在贸易实践中经济贸易渐渐连带出了一种文化贸易现象所谓的文化贸易就是基于对国外文化了解的基础上进行贸易合作贸易双方由于对对方国家文化缺乏了解和认识而导致最终贸易合作破裂的现象时有发生文化已经成为贸易合作中关键因素之一不可否认的是切实把握中外文化差异对于提高国际贸易合作的成功率增强交易双方在合作中的信任感和愉悦程度效果显著那么如何才能有效降低文化差异对国际贸易带来的影响呢这是值得探究的问题 关键词东西方文化差异国际贸易 Abstract Different culture influence the international trade Generally speaking traditional culture is strong foreign trade is closed the more economic lag behind Understanding cultural differences and take appropriate strategies in the global trade truly comprehensive liberalization under the impetus of the cultural integration is our common topic Culture is produced and formed gradually in the long river of history no advantages and disadvantages In the field of international economic and trade cooperation cultural difference influence occupies an important position in the foreign trade cooperation in cooperation the two sides should ensure their interests on the basis of respecting each other countrys cultural customs in order to promote cooperation With Chinas accession to the WTO foreign trade such as import and export increases greatly In the 21st century is the era of economic globalization China as the worlds industrial products output power has brought the opportunity of the international trade competition and challenges In trade practice economic and trade joint gradually created a kind of cultural trade phenomenon the so-called cultural trade is based on the understanding of foreign culture on the basis of trade cooperation Trade both parties due to a lack of understanding of each other countries culture and cognition to the final rupture of trade cooperation culture has become one of the key factors in the trade cooperation Keywords east and west culture Differences The international



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