让民间文化资源进语文教学Including Folklore literature in.pptVIP

让民间文化资源进语文教学Including Folklore literature in.ppt

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让民间文化资源走进语文教学 Including Folklore literature in Chinese Language Curriculum 甘肃省天祝县第一中学 (Tianzhu No. 1 Middle School of Gan Su) 陈明淑 安志龙 Mingshu Chen & Zhilong An 利用口述历史和民间文化实录项目的契机,转变教育教学观念。 Change our traditional education view through the project that the memoir of history dictating and folk culture. 利用口述历史和民间文化实录项目契机,让民间文化内走进课堂教学。 Integrate folklore culture into class teaching through the project that the memoir of history dictating and folk culture. 利用口述历史和民间文化实录项目契机,构建浓厚的语文学习氛围。 Construct a well atmosphere of Chinese study through the project that the memoir of history dictating and folk culture. 实施口述历史和民间文化实录的意义。 The significance of the memoir of history dictating and folk culture. 转变教育教学观念 Change our traditional education view 教学观念的改变 Change the view of education 备课方式的改变 Change the way of preparation for classes 学生学习方法的改变 Change the method of learning 让民间文化走进课堂教学 Integrate folk culture into class teaching 自己搜集资源 Collect resources by yourself 比较阅读,增加课堂容量 Comparative reading 艺术手法的比较(comparison of artistic skills) 民俗的对比(comparison of folklore) 思想内容的对比(comparison of thought) 利用作文课进行创作 Creation through the composition class 让民俗文化走进课堂 Integrate folk culture into our classes 让民间文化走进课堂教学 Integrate folk culture into class teaching 构建浓厚的语文学习氛围 Construct a well atmosphere of Chinese study 努力营造民间文化教育的氛围 Construct education atmosphere of folk culture 为学生优质阅读提供保障 Supply guarantee for high quality reading of students 开展民间文化专题课教学 Carry out thematic education of folk culture 以开展综合性学习活动促进项目研究的深入 Promote deeply research of this project by comprehensive learning activity 构建浓厚的语文学习氛围 Construct a well atmosphere of Chinese study 口述历史和民间文化实录的意义 The significance of the memoir of history dictating and folk culture 激发了学生浓厚的学习兴趣 Stimulate the learning interest 培养了学生的动手操作能力 Cultivate manipulate capacity 拓宽了学生学习语文的空间 Broaden space of Chinese study 有效地提高学生的语文素养 Improve the Chinese attainments effectively 优


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