英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计.docx

英语人教版八年级上册Unit3 SectionB (2a-2e) 教学设计.docx

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Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. SectionB (2a-2e) 一、教材分析 教材Unit3以人的个性特征为话题。SectonA从人物个性特征对比的角度入手,向学生介绍形容词和副词比较级的概念和用法;训练学生比较级句型的运用及培养他们的语言结构意识。SectionB以交友的话题为线索,展开对好友标准的讨论及朋友之间的对比,将单元所学词汇及语法结构完全融汇到阅读和书写交流之中,是对SectionA所学内容的综合运用。本节课是第三单元Section B(2a-2e),是一节阅读课。2b阅读呈现了三个小语篇,要求找出语篇中提到的三对好朋友之间的异同。侧重阅读策略的指导,要求学生掌握并能使用阅读策略阅读文本,获取信息(学会在语境中感知并体会词汇的含义,学会根据上下文猜测生词的含义。) 二、学情分析 八年级学生的语言运用能力和思维能力比七年级有了进一步的发展,同时也形成了自己的英语学习策略。经过一年多的英语学习,学生已具备一定的英语单词和句子的基础,但知识储备差异较大。部分学生对阅读文章有畏难情绪,缺乏自主探究的信心和能力。学生的整体阅读能力及对阅读策略的运用能力仍处于开发阶段。学生在认知心理方面有较强的表现欲,好奇心强,喜欢在轻松的气氛中通过小组活动的方式进行学习。 I.Teaching Aims and Demands: Knowledge Objects: Words: mirror, as long as, necessary, be different from, bring out, grade, the same as, saying, reach, touch, heart, in fact, share. Structures: ①A good friend is like a mirror. ②You don’t need a lot of them as long as they are good. ③That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. ④Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. ⑤A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. Ability Objects: Train students’ reading skills by finding the specific information and guessing the meanings of new words from the context. Try to improve their comprehensive ability of obtaining information, analyzing problems and solving problems. Encourage students to talk about friends and express their own opinions about making friends. Teaching process and Method: Guiding students to the reading part by a popular song, and help them review the Comparative Degree of adjectives and adverbs , and intrigue their learning interests by playing a guessing game. With the reading strategies of scanning、careful reading and guessing,get students to finish the reading tasks, learn and master the ways to obtain information、analyze problems and solve problems. Moral Objects: Enable students to understand their opinions about friends and know what kind of friends they need and cherish friends around them. II.Teaching Key and Difficult Points: Teaching Key Points: 1.Enable


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