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Dictionary of Middle Egyptian in Gardiner Classification Order Paul Dickson December 1, 2006 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- hareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit /licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard treet, 5th Floor, an Francisco, California, 94105, U A. Table of Contents Introduction2 M - Plants102 Phonology2 N - Sky130 Definitions4 O - Buildings159 A - Men5 P - Boats178 B - Women7 Q - Furniture180 C - Gods7 R - Temple Furniture and Emblems18 D – Parts of Men9 S - Clothing190 E – Mammals51 T - Warfare and Hunting229 F – Parts of Mammals54 U - Agriculture and Crafts235 G - Birds 8 V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth245 H - Parts of birds94 W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels272 I - Reptiles95 X - Bread279 K - Fish101 Y - Writing, Games, Music28 L - Insects102 Z - Strokes and Figures290 Aa - Unclassified292 Introduction As I began trying to learn to read the hieroglyphic writing of Middle Egyptian I was frustrated that all of the available dictionaries were organized around the approximate sounds of the words instead of their spe lling, as is used in most other dictionaries. When I learned that all of the raw material was available for making my own dictionary, organized the way I wanted, I set out on this project. The definitions are organized in order by the Gardiner Codes of the glyphs that make them up. This


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