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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 摘要 为了更好地开发利用辽宁朝阳的金矿资源,促进当地经济的发展,决定进行金矿选矿厂设计。设计的规模为800t/d,矿石中金主要以自然金的状态存在,金与黄铁矿和毒砂等硫化物紧密伴生。 根据矿石可选性研究报告,确定了主要工艺流程。采用三段一闭路破碎流程,一段磨矿后,进入螺旋分级机进行分级,合格粒级矿物进入粗选作业。粗选精矿通过三次精选作业,最终品位达到60.00g/t。粗选尾矿经过一次浓缩后进入二段磨矿,经过水力旋流器分级后,溢流进入二次浓缩,浓缩产物进入氰化浸出作业,经过解吸电解冶炼后成为金锭。完成了工艺流程的计算和设备选型,保证了合理的设备负荷率。根据地形条件,进行了厂房总体布置和厂房内设备配置,使矿浆尽可能地实现自流,绘制了相应的设计图纸。最终完成了设计的任务,实现了设计的目的。 关键词:金矿;浮选;氰化浸出;选矿厂设计 全套图纸加扣 3012250582 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I Abstract In order to utilize and develop of gold resource Chaoyang City of Liaoning Province better and promote local economy,gold concentrator design is decided to be set up.The size of the design is 800 t/d,and cicc ore mainly exists in the state of natural gold,and gold sulfide is closely associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite,etc. According to the ore optional sex research report,the main technological process is determined.Three sections of a closed-circuit crushing process is adopted. And after period of grinding, it goes into spiral classifier for classification,and qualified graded mineral goes into the roughing operation. Through the three selection, the rougher concentrate assignments finally goes to the grade of 60.00 g/t. After a condensed roughing tailings goes into two section of grinding.after hydrocyclone classification overflow goes into the secondary enrichment,and concentrated product goes into cyanide leaching operation,it become gold bullion after desorption electrolytic smelting. The process calculation and equipment selection is completed, and the reasonable load rate is ensured. According to the terrain conditions,equipment configuration and the general plant layout is completed.And the plant can make pulp as much as possible to.The corresponding design drawings is drawed.Finally the design task is completed and the design purpose is achieved. Key words: gold mine; float



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