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解释信 尊敬的签证官阁下: 本人***,男,出生于**年**月** 日。我的护照号码为*** 。**年**月大学毕业后就职于 鞍钢股份有限公司炼钢总厂,担任职务为电气工程师。炼钢总厂是鞍钢股份有限公司的子公 司之一。鞍钢股份为117 家中国中央企业之一,中央企业既是由中国中央政府投资、监督和 管理的国有企业,集团目前职工在十万以上,也是中国A 股(股票代码:000898)和香港H 股(股票代码:0347)上市企业。 综上,由于公司的国有企业背景、企业规模巨大和员工数量众多等原因,公司在营业执 照等企业证件的管理上极其严格,对办理因私出国旅游签证的员工不予提供营业执照复印 件,仅提供工作证明。 *** 2012.4.20 Explanation April 20, 2012 Dear visa officer, My name is ***, born on April **, 1982. And my passport number is ***. I have been working in Steelmaking Plant of Angang Steel Company Limited after graduating from university in ***, and my position is an electrical engineer. Steelmaking plant is one of the subsidiary companies of Angang Steel Company Limited. At present, as one of the 117 central enterprises which are invested, supervised and managed by the Chinese Central Government, Angang Steel Company Limited has employed over one hundred thousand workers, which listed in Hong Kong H-shares (stock code: 0347) and China A-shares(stock code: 000898). So, because of the State-owned background, the huge scale and the large number of staff, it is so strict in the management of the business license and other business documents that it is impossible to get the copy of business license for the staff who applying for private travel abroad visa but the work certification. Sincerely Yours, ***



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