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太原理工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 基于Java的敬老院运营管理系统 摘要 本敬老院运营管理系统是使用JSP编程语言和Sqlserver数据库共同来完成的,采用面向对象方法,对敬老院运营管理工作进行设计与实现。分析设计了敬老院运营管理系统的静态模型和动态模型,完成了系统开发的分析、设计和实现的工作。本敬老院运营管理系统通过Web方式完成用户与系统的交互,系统的功能模块具体有对老人的,入住,协议,收费,日常照料以及护理服务经行管理,并对院方的仓库,人事,考勤,工资,财务,办公等进行管理。提高阶段添加对入院数据的分析模块。实现敬老院管理的电子化,从而实现提高效率,降低成本的目的。 本系统的开发采用现有成熟技术为参照,共享源码为模板,结合本敬老院运营管理系统的实际需求进行分析和功能调整,探讨了利用JSP开发敬老院运营管理系统的过程。 关键词:敬老院;运营管理;系统 全套设计加扣 3012250582 Nursing Management System Based On Java Abstract The nursing home operations management system is the use of JSP programming languages and database Sqlserver together to complete, object-oriented approach , design and implementation of nursing home operations management work . Analysis and design of the static model nursing home operations management systems and dynamic models , completed an analysis of system development , design and implementation work. The nursing home operations management system to complete user interaction with the system via the Web , function modules of the system specifically for the elderly , occupancy agreements , fees, daily care and nursing services through the line management, and hospital warehouse personnel, attendance , payroll, finance and office management. Improve the admission stage to add data analysis module . Realization of electronic nursing home management , in order to achieve improved efficiency and reduce costs . The system was developed using the existing mature technologies as a reference, a shared source as a template, with the actual needs of the nursing home operations management system for analysis and functional adjustments , explored the use of JSP development process of nursing home operations management system . Keywords: nursing home ;operations;management;system PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc23453 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc23453 I HYPERLINK \l


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