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25 2 V o l. 25, N o. 2 2005 4 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION A pr. 2005 : 1000- 1301 2005) 02- 0155- 05 1 1 2 2 张晨明, 董秀竹 , 郭莹, 栾茂田 1. , 200092; 2. , 116024 ) : -- , 4 - , , -, ; ; E /E m ax- G / Gm ax - ; E /E - / G /G - / max r m ax r : ; -; ; ; : P315. 9 8 : A Exp erim en tal study on dynam ic deform ation behavior of sand under wave-induced loading 1 1 2 2 Zhang Chenm ing , Dong X iuzhu , Guo Y ing , Luan M aotian 1. D epartm en t of G eotechn ical Engin eering, T ong ji U n iversity, Sh anghai 200092, Ch ina; 2. School of C ivil and H yd rau lic Eng ineering and S tate K ey Laboratory of Coas tal and Offshore Eng ineering, D alian U n ivers ity of T echno logy, D alian 116024, Ch ina) Abs tract: T he w ave loading is smi ulated by a new deve loped apparatus- So il static and dynam ic hydraulic triax ia l and torsiona l shear apparatu s. Four groups of triax ial and torsional shear tests have been conducted for Fujian Ch-i nese standard sand w ith variation in conso lidation pressure and init ial relat ive density by the appara tu s to study the dynam ic deform ation behav ior of the sand under w ave- induced load ing. It is found that stress and stra in curves o f sand are smi ilar to hyperbo la, wh ich co incide w ith equivalent linear theory. It is a lso show n tha t the variat ion o f the dam ping ratio and m odulu s w ith the


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