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Interpreting Skills 英语国家的历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性与我国不同,因此这些国家人们的思维方式、意识形态、语言表达形式上与我们有时存在很大差异。 “传达意义”是口译培训的关键。 归纳一些常用的处理方法,如增词、减词、合并、重复、意译。灵活运用增加词量、转换词类、从反面说、转换语态等翻译技巧能帮助我们妥善解决内容和形式之间的矛盾,使译文在忠实内容、文字通顺、行文简洁、明确易懂。 Interpreting Skills 1. 增词 All of us are required to designate a point of contact. 我们都需要确定一个联系机构或联系人。 Interpreting Skills 2. 重复 我们将在市场准入、税收、贷款和进出口等方面,给个体私营企业以平等的待遇。 We would ensure a leveled play field, in that leveled play field the individually-owned or privately-owned enterprises will get the same treatment when it comes to market access, taxation, loan equitation, import and export business. Interpreting Skills 3. 省略 老弱病残 多快好省 the infirm, the disadvantaged, vulnerable groups cost-effectively 在我国改革开放和现代化建设发展的关键时期,我们召开这样一个承前启后、继往开来的大会具有极为重要的意义。 With China’s reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive at the critical stage, it is of extremely great significance for us to have convened such a congress that builds on the past. Inherits the past and ushers in the future Builds on the past and prepares for the future Interpreting Skills 4. 直译 现在伊拉克的局势已经箭在弦上,一触即发。但是,只要有一线希望,就不应该放弃通过政治解决的努力。 Now with regard to the situation in Iraq, the arrow has already been placed on the bow, it is a touch-and-go situation. However, so long as there is a piece of hope, we will not give up our effort for a peaceful political settlement. Interpreting Skills 5. 意译 此地无银三百两 When the going gets touch, the tough get going. The more is concealed, the more is revealed. 狭路相逢勇者胜。 Interpreting Skills 6. 补充背景知识 您曾经说过,我们一定会走出历史上 “黄宗羲”这个怪圈。请问您认为我们的说手改革怎么才能走出这个怪圈? You once said that China would definitely be able to break the vicious cycle of the law of Huang Zongxi, which means, in history, tax reforms aimed at reducing the farmer’s burden always end up exacerbating their burden. I wonder how can we break the vicious burden? Interpreting Skills 7. 正、反译 鉴于此,我们在翻译某些含有否定意义的英文句子时,应当特别注意两点:一是英语里有些从正面表达的词语或句子,汉译时可以从反面来表达,即正说反译法(negation);二是英语里有些从反面表达的词语或


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