英语人教版八年级下册unit8section A3a-3c.ppt

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Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?;链接视频简介《鲁滨逊漂流记》; ; If I am going to an ______ alone, first, I will take a mini_______, because it can take me home. Then, I will take a ______with me, because I can use it to protect myself if I meet any danger. At last, I will take a ________. When I am lost, I can make a _________with it.;Read and match the main idea of each paragraph.读文章,概括每段大意并连线.;Read the passage and answer the following questions.;1.What things has Robinson brought? ;Correct the sentences.; A few weeks ago; 1. Friday saw some marks of another man’s feet on the beach. 2. Robinson tried to kill the two men. ; When he first _______ on this island, he had _________. But he has _________ the ship and _________ a small boat. He’s _________ back many things he can use—food and drink, ________, knives and _________. Although he has_________ everything, He has not lost his __________. So he will not ________ and he will wait for _________ ship. He _________already ________ down trees and _________ a house. He goes out _______his gun everyday to kill animals and birds for food. He’s even learning to _________ fruit and vegetables. A few weeks ago, he found the __________of another man’s feet on the _________.Not long after that, he saw some _____________trying to kill two men from a __________ ship._______ ________ them died but the other ran _________ his house. He saved the man and ________ him Friday because that was the day he ______ him.;make a conversation about this passage;have nothing arrive on this island bring back lose one's life give up wait for cut down go out with gun kill … for food learn to do sth. ;the marks of another man’s feet who else not long after that see sb. doing sth. a broken ship one...the other run towards name sb. ... teach sb. sth. ;problems;What do you think of Robinson? ;Homework;Thank you!



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