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第一章 如何寫出正確的句子 如何寫出正確的英文句子?這是學寫作文第一重要的功課。本章扼要地介紹重點 1英文句子的定義 1. 含有主詞與動詞,且形成一個完整的敘述、命令、感嘆、疑問或祈願的一群字叫做句子。 例:Most high school students wish to go to university. (敘述句)    大部分的高中生希望上大學。    (You) Turn in your papers next week. (命令句) (你們)下星期交報告。 What an interesting story (this is)! (感嘆句) 這故事多有趣阿! Can you tell me how to write an English composition? (疑問句) 你能告訴我如何寫英文作文嗎? May you be always happy! (祈願句) 願你經常快樂! *注意:從屬子句(名詞、形容詞、副詞子句等)亦含主詞與動詞,但不是完整句子。 2英文句子的要素   正如英文作文有主題,英文句子有主詞。正如英文作文有細節來支持主題,英文句子則由動詞來敘述主詞。主詞與動詞是英文句子最核心的要素。英文句子的要素分別如下: (1)主詞:句中主要敘述、命令、感嘆、疑問、祈願的對象。 (2)動詞:表示主詞怎麼樣的字。 (3)主詞補語:補充說明(修飾)主詞的字或字群。 (4)動詞受詞(簡稱受詞):接受動詞的對象、結果或內涵。分直接受詞與間接受詞。 (5)受詞補語:補充說明(修飾)受詞的字或字群。 例: (1) Jane smiled. (動詞smiled表示Jane笑了。) (2) Jane seemed happy. (補語happy補充說明主詞快樂。)   (註:Jane seemed表意不完整,類似seem的動詞如look, appear, sound連綴動詞等,需要受詞補語。) (3)Jane made her little brother a toy. (直接受詞a toy是動詞made所表達的意義的結果) (4)Jane made her little brother a toy. (直接受詞a toy是動詞made所表達的的意義的結果) (5)The teacher forgave Peter his wrongdoing. (直接受詞his wrongdoing是動詞forgave所表達的意義的內涵。) (6)Jane made her little brother happy. (受詞補語happy補充說明受詞快樂。) (註:Jane made her little brother表達不完整) 練習1 * 請劃底線標明下列各句的主詞(S); 動詞(V); 受詞(O); 補語(C) The story is interesting. The story interests me. After searching for two days, the policemen finally found the stolen money. The policemen finally found the stolen money buried in the woods. Jim made a toy for his younger brother. Jane made Michael a good wife. Jane made Michael a good husband. What has happened? You can’t deny him rights. He bought his son a new pair of shoes. You saved me a lot of trouble. Please spare me my life. Please spare my life. They called their daughter Jamie. Whether ghosts exist or not remains controversial. She put on her coat. From five to seven is the rush hour. He who persists will win the race. Please tell us whether you will come or not. The sight of a huge spider in the kitchen surprised me. 3英文句子的完整


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