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D tribu能d generatim system plays an íI叩ortant role in the deve)opment of mdern power system The development of micro-grids 臼 theωP pririty tbr future developmmt ofpower sys优m Distributed generatin 恤s manyadvanta 伊s. However, 她 gridωnnection boUJ:Ki ωhave effect on 1arge power grid. POWi缸t10w ca1culatin is an important m佣mωquantify and analyze the i呻act
吨 Am:mg all types of distributed generatins,ωme generate direct current wI?h can rea1ize in阳∞nnectin through pow町 elec加ni: ωnv刷刷. T pap即 studies
、, power t10w ca1culation with convel伽s.
First, on 也.e bas of the charac阳也t s ofωnverters am intercon脚tin ωtnmJnlyωed in distribut叫 generation system am the power t10w of d tributin
netwo此, tMs p叩er proposes a deha-com阳时 model of tbree-pbaseωnver 阳- suitable for power t10w calculatin with distribu阳i generation syste皿 This model w hωn 忱 applied 如 three-pba 回 unbalanced distributin s严tem bas the capacity of capturing u曲ala配ed current in the system paper describes calcu1atin of
V3Tious parame阳sof ∞nv创阳r models,am aJso st时ies its applicability in two-pbase
operating com社ions aoo possible causes of 即rors.
A∞ording to the cbarac伽istics of d tributin network,即 p叩er chooses the
in甲licit Zbur Gauss method tbr pow町t10w calculatin 1呻licit Z阳Gauss method has a good abilityωbandle unbalance power fuw,but aJso恤sωI? ab诅.ty
ωdeal with weak-link system It can be used in the power t10w ca1culation of
副脑ibution netwo血 with comp1ex environment. The pap町 describes the process of
‘ applying the implicit
Gauss method, and finist隙s the progI现m t10w cbart. Also,
创s p叩er 抽甲roves the 位aditional 抽甲licit
Zbur Gauss method on the
‘ adopts delta-∞l1llf记t创 model for the inverter,adds state V3Tiable on bebalf of the
modelof 拙.verterωthe oodal analysis 吨uation and mak创批 capab1e 0f dealing with
AC and DC current simultaneously. This paper studies the improvements oft加 nodal
就阳四tance matrix and the processing I?t协d of i呻lic Z tbnns tOO prog
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