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16. act on 17. adapt oneself to sth 18. add to sth 19. add up 20. add up sth 21. add A to B 22. adjust to doing sth 23. after all 24. against one’s will 25.against time 26.agree with sb 27.ahead of schedule/time 28.ahead of 29.aim at sth 30.all along 31.all at once 32.all in all 33.all kinds/ sorts of 34.all night long 35.all the night through 36.all of a sudden 37.all over 38.all over the world 39. all the best 40.all the time 41.all the way 42.all/just the same 43.along with 44.amount to sth 45.and so on 46.answer for sb/sth 47.anything but 48.apart from 49.appeal to sth 50.apply to sb for 51.apply to doing sth 52.argue against 53.argue for 54. argue sb into/ out of doing sth 55.argue with sb about sth 56.arm in arm 57.around/round the corner 58.as a general rule 59.as a matter of fact 60.as a result/ consequence of 61.as a rule 62.as a whole 63.as/so far as 64.as far as…be concerned 65.as follows 66.as good as 67.as if/ though 68.as long as 69.as regards 70.as soon as 71.as usual 72.as/in consequence 73.as well 74.as well as 75.ask for sb 76. ask for help 77.ask for trouble 78.at (the) least 79.at a bargain 80.at a disadvantage 81.at a distance 82.at a loss 83.at a speed of 84.at a time 85.at all costs 86.at all events 87.at all times 88.at all 89.at any price 90.at any rate 91.at any risk 92.at any time 93.at best 94.at Christmas 95.at church 96.at dawn 97.at first sight/glance 98.at first 99.at full length 100.at hand 101.at intervals 102.at length 103.at most 104.at no time 105.at once 106.at one time 107.at one’s service 108.at pains/ at the pains 109.at peace 110.at present 111.at random 112.at risk 113.at the age of 114. at the beginning of 115.at the cost of 116.at the end of 117.at the entrance to 118.at the expense of 119.at the mercy of sb/ sth 120.at the moment 121. at the rate of 122. at the risk of 123. at the same time 124. at the sight of 125. at the thought of 126. at times 127. at will 128. at work 129. at one’s convenience 130. at/ on si


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