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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 22 页 常州信息职业技术学院 学生毕业设计(论文)报告 系 别: 计算机(软件)学院 专 业: 计算机网络技术 班 号: 计算机网络技术520班 学 生 姓 名: 金浩宇 学 生 学 号: 1108223438 设计(论文)题目: 小型企业网络设计 指 导 教 师: 啊2 设 计 地 点: 常州信息职业技术学院 起 迄 日 期: 2012.9.26~2013.11.20 摘 要 市场的全球化竞争已成为趋势。对于中小企业来说,在调整发展战略时,必须考虑到市场的全球竞争战略,而这一切将以信息化平台为基础,以网络通畅为保证。通过建立各种虚拟专网(VPN)和企业外部网络(Extranet),建立企业全球信息网络是未来企业网络应对市场全球竞争的一种策略。 本论文以某小型企业新建厂房的局域网规划和设计为背景,借助计算机网络原理及网络规划技术,从企业局域网的概念及相关计算机网络技术入手,比较详细地设计出了该企业网建设的实施方案及建设规划,以期达到先进、安全、实用、可靠的目标. 论文对该企业的组网需求进行了分析,比较各种组网技术,从实用角度论述了局域网主干网选择,综合布线,各种设备选择,网络安全,网络管理等方面。文中参照了当前诸多企业局域网和校园网络方面的相关组网形式和成熟的网络技术,该方案基本达到了预期的目标. 关键词:交换机、路由器、千兆以太网、网络安全、拓扑结构、拓扑图。 ABSTRACT The market globalization competition has become the tendency. Regarding the small and medium-sized enterprise, when the adjustment developmental strategy, must consider the market the global competition strategy, but all these take the informationization platform as a foundation, take the network unobstructed as the guarantee. Through establishes each kind of hypothesized special net (VPN) and enterprise exterior network (Extranet), will establish the enterprise whole world information network is the future enterprise network should to the market global competition one kind of strategy. The present paper take some enterprise newly built workshop local area network plan and the design as a background, with the aid of the computer network principle and the network planning technology, from the enterprise local area network concept and correlation computer network technology obtaining, compared with in detail designed the implementation plan and the construction plan which this enterprise network constructed,Achieves advanced, safe, practical, the reliable goal by the time. The paper has carried on the analysis to this enterprise's network demand, compared with each kind of network technology, elaborated the local area network backbone network choice from the practical angle, compre


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