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中国古典十大名曲 汉宫秋月 汉宫秋月 《汉宫秋月》本是一首琵琶曲,后改编为二胡曲。《汉宫秋月》很可能与《汉宫秋》有一定的关系。而《汉宫秋》是一出元末杂剧,作者是马致远。《汉宫秋》讲的是王昭君和亲出塞的故事。 汉宫秋月 据《后汉书·南匈奴传》记载:“昭君字嫱,南郡人也。初,元帝时,以良家子选入掖庭。时,呼韩邪来朝,帝敕以宫女五人以赐之。昭君入宫数岁,不得见御,积悲怨,乃请掖庭令求行。呼韩邪临辞大会,帝召五女以示之,昭君丰容靓饰,光明汉宫,顾景斐回,竦动左右。帝见大惊,意欲留之,然难于失信,遂与匈奴。” 汉宫秋月 李白有诗云:“汉家秦地月,流影照明妃;一上玉关道,天涯去不归。” 杜甫显然很同情王昭君,他写下了“千载琵琶作胡语,分明怨恨曲中论。”的诗句。 而做为政治家的王安石却从另一个角度看这个问题,他认为昭君出塞不是件坏事,写诗云,“汉恩自浅胡自深,人生乐在相知心”。 汉宫秋月 宫女之怨是个传统话题。汉乐府中有不少关于宫女之怨的题材,如《玉阶怨》,《昭君怨》,《昭君悲》等。后来甚至形成了专门描述后宫的诗体,名为宫词。唐朝张祜的一首五言绝句《宫词》:“故国三千里,深宫二十年。一声《何满子》,双泪落君前。” 5. Mencius Mencius Surname: Meng Given name: Ke Courtesy name: Ziyu English name: Mencius Sex: male Birth date: 372—289 B. C. Chinese Zodiac: cock Constellation: unclear Hobbies: reading, debating Profession: thinker or philosopher Mencius Mencius (372—289 B. C.), a great thinker of the mid-Warring States Period, was born at Zou (present Zoucheng, Shandong Province). His given name was Ke and courtesy name Ziyu. He was a successor of Confucius and has been called the “Second Sage” after Confucius. Three Moves by Mencius' Mother Mencius lived near a graveyard in his childhood. Therefore, as he played, he amused himself by imitating the others’ digging tombs. His mother said, “It's not good for a child to live in this kind of place.” They moved to a house near a market. Then the son took pleasure in imitating the peddler’s hawking. Again the mother said, “It's not good for a child to live here.” She changed their residence a second time and housed themselves near a school. There her son played imitating the sacrificial rites on ceremony and formalities of courtesy. The mother said, “This is the right place for a child.” They settled there. After Meng Ke grew up, he acquired six classical arts and became a scholar well known for his erudition and one of the representatives of Confucianism. 孔孟之道 “自生民以来, 未有盛于孔子也。” 乃所愿学孔子也。 《孟子》 ——治国之道 The Works of Mencius The Works of Mencius is a collection of anecdotes about the teachings of Mencius, a fourth-generation disci


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