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西方文明史总结 题型介绍 英文部分: 选择 10 * 2’? 判断 10* 1’ 简答 4 * 5’(英文表述) 中文部分:论述 2* 15’? 1 * 20’ ? Chapter 1 The Greek World – The Age of Alexander the Greet Polis —城邦 ?城邦社会结构(图在ppt上) ?? 自由人—libertinus??? 公民? —polite???????????? 全权公民(成年男性)—full-citizenship 奴隶? —helot??????? 外邦人—resident aliens???? 妇女—woman 贵族? —aristocrat??? 平民? —commoner Limitation(局限性) a.不是现代意义上的民主,而是男性公民的民主(广大妇女,奴隶,外邦移民无权利) Not in the sense of modern democracy, but full-citizenships of democratic (the women, helot, andresident aliens without rights) b.即是伟大文明的催化剂,又是社会不公的一种暴力机器。 That is not only great civilization of catalyst, but also a kind of social injustice violence machine. The right of full-citizens(权利) a.political ruler b.land owner c.polis defender(the hoplite phalanx重装步兵) 3.Socrates, Plato and Aristotle(苏格拉底,柏拉图和亚里士多德) a.Socrates(苏格拉底) Know thyself!(认识你自己) Question everything(求索万物) Only the pursuit of goodness brings happiness(快乐从追求美德开始) b. Plato(柏拉图) The academy(雅典学院) Theory of ideas(理念论) The repubilc(理想国) Allegory of the cave(洞穴理论) Equality of man and woman(男女平等) Advocated instead the leadership of enlighted philosopher-king(哲学王) who would control rather than consult the masses. c.Aristotole(亚里士多德) “Golden Mean”(中庸之道)——everthing in moderation Logic(逻辑学) 三人思想的异同 Socrates:Plato’s teacher,advocated materialism(唯物主义),contributed more to education and turned natrual research into human research in philosophy. He believed that in the pursuit of natural truth is endless(把哲学从研究自然转向研究自我,他认为对于自然的真理的追求是无穷尽的) Plato:Aritotle’s teacher,advocated idealism(唯心主义). He believed that the world is consisted of “idea of the world” and “reasonable world” Aristotle: Encyclopedic scholar, advocated materialism(唯物主义), viewed that education is country function. 4.polysism(多神教) 5.“Hellenistic” Greece:希腊化时代—Hellenistic(希腊化)=Greek-like 6.Alexandar the Great(综合评价) a.one of the most fascinating and controversal figures of history b. he had an active,searching mind and a great love of physical exertion(运用) c.he was arrogant,but main


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