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上周的体育课上,有个同学突然肚子疼,引发了学校对“安全上好体育课”的讨论。你觉得怎样上体育课更安全?请你以“How to keep safe in PE Class?”为题,在班会课上作主题发言。内容包括: 1. 描述一件发生在你身上或看到的发生在体育课上意外事件(经过与结果)。 2. 提出解决这种意外事件的建议。 3. 呼吁每个学生要注意体育课安全。 ;A student got a stomachache in a PE class suddenly while he was running. He lay on the ground for a long time and we were all frightened. How to help students stay away from danger in the PE class? Students should wear sports clothes in PE class. Safety is the first most important thing for a student. All of us should pay attention to it. ; 志愿服务社正在招募志愿者,请你写一封自荐信,内容包括你希望参加的两项志愿者活动,自己具备的条件,以及你对志愿者工作的看法。;I’ve learned that our school starts some volunteering programs, and I’d like to help as a volunteer at an animal hospital. Working as a doctor at an animal doctor has been a dream since I was a little kid. Keeping a pet dog in my home enables me to know exactly how to care for animals. If I’m allowed to volunteer there, I can help with many things. For example, I could take the animals out for a walk. I could also help the doctors to treat the sick animals, such as taking their temperature regularly and feeding them with food and proper medicine. ;I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces. I think volunteering is meaningful and rewarding. When I help others, I also gain new skills and the experiences may increase my chance of getting my dream job. Please kindly consider my application. There are good reasons why I long to work there. I can get on well with kids. I find it very enjoyable to stay with these cute and active kids. I really hope they can improve reading with my help. Teaching kids to read can get me ready for my future job. ; 某英文报纸就家务劳动(housework)话题征文,请你投稿。每个家庭都有许多家务,人人都应该学做一些。谈谈你经常帮父母做哪些家务,有什么体会,并打算这个周末为家里做什么。;I’m proud that I can do housework for my parents. I often help them do housework such as washing clothes, cleaning the room and watering flowers. This weekend,


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