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* * Paul, Eyebolts are installed and tested to either 5kN or 10 kN in their fixing, this load is applied for 3 minutes. The test load depends on the fixing – is it steel beam, concrete, resin, or chemical glue? Full details are found in EN795. * * * * * * * * * * * Falling… The Facts 坠落…实际情况 Calculating the Potential Fall Distance计算可能的坠落距离 Why? To ensure we do not hit the lower level if we fall!为什么?这样可以确保我们一旦坠落时不会撞到低层结构。 The calculation below gives the minimum fall distance between the lanyard anchorage and the lower level when attached below our feet下面的计算给出了当挂点低于脚面时从挂点到下层结构之间的最小距离: Twice the length of the lanyard (to allow for body height PLUS the complete lanyard length)2倍的系绳长度(包括系绳长度和使用者身高). + 1.75m deceleration distance to allow for the maximum elongation of the energy absorber and any give in the lanyard. + 1.75米缓冲器的最大打开长度和系绳延长 + 1m safety margin. + 1m安全间隙 Total potential fall distance总的可能的坠落距离 * Retractable fall arrest blocks provide a quick-reaction fall arrest solution and are ideal where the use of a lanyard would result in a ground fall.伸缩式坠落制动器可以快速制动,在不能使用系绳可以使用。 Falling… The Facts 坠落…实际情况 圈出区别点 * Emergency Considerations 紧急事故时需要考虑的事项 Ensure you and your colleagues know what to do in the event of an emergency before your work commences. It maybe as simple as locating a fire escape, but you must also think about what to do in the event of a fall.开始工作前要确保你和你的同事知道发生事故时该做些什么。可能就与找到消防通道一样简单,但你必须考虑一下坠落发生时该干什么? If you fall如果你坠落: Try to make contact with a fellow employee设法联系同事. Attempt to regain the structure设法攀住结构件. Try to keep your feet and toes moving. If possible, place your feet onto a solid surface, & take your weight off your harness.设法活动脚和脚趾,如果可能,将脚踩在固体表面,将体重从安全带上移开 Do not panic!!!!不要惊慌 * Do Your Work Activities Affect Others? 你的工作会影响周围环境吗? We have a duty to protect anyone who may be affected by our work activities.我们有责任保护任何有可能受到我们工作影响的人的安全。 Protect the public by通过如下方法来保护公众: Ensuring you wear your helmet fastened with a chin strap when wo


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