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Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships — Friendship Ⅰ. 模块教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals ▲ Retell a story and talk about relationships ▲ Learn to use having done as adverbial clauses and verbs followed by -ing and to (do) ▲ Write a paragraph on friendship Ⅱ. 目标语言 功 能 句 式 Talking about relationships I’ve known him / her for ... We first met six years ago. I remember ... for the first time. We’re good / close / best friends. We (don’t) get on very well. We (don’t) trust each other. We ... quarrel. We see each other ... We’ve lost touch. / We still keep touch. 词 汇 1. 四会词汇 interpersonal, close, trust, chat, hurt, financially, moody, amount, raise, theft, confront, count, lively, quarrel, regret, predict, click, reunite, couple, perfect, partner, mention, belong, bottom 2. 认读词汇 note, cloakroom, locker, fair(n.), swing, underneath, sweet(n.) 3. 词组 burst out, knock ... over, lose interest in, from time to time, turn round, raise money, on the phone, make up, keep in touch, lose touch with, from the bottom of one’s heart, as a result, get on (with sb.), get to know (sb.), personal matter, tell a joke 语 法 1. Adverbial clauses: having (done) Having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school. 2. Verbs followed by -ing and the infinitive with to I remember meeting her for the first time. You must remember to keep in touch. 重点句子 1. When he reached the final line, everyone burst out laughing. P22 2. But just under a year ago, Roy’s father was knocked over by a car. P22 3. He had always been a clever, hard-working student but now he seemed to lose all interest in his work. P22 4. Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it. P23 5. They get on very well because they both have very lively personalities and have a great interest in books. P25 Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本模块以人际关系中最重要的元素——友谊为话题, 通过谈论人际关系和友谊、阅读故事及介绍自己的好朋友等方式,使学生对友谊有更深刻的认识和理解,并能用已有的社会知识、亲身体会、用所学的语言知识和技能,听懂以讨论人际关系、谈论友谊为内容的材料,理解课文关于友谊的深刻意义,描述自己与朋友之间友谊的发展过程。 1.1 INTRODUCT


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